15 years later...
Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

15 years later... Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

15 years later...

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15 years later... Empty 15 years later...

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:20 am

Andrew walked silently into the train station, smiling as he continued forward. It had been some time since he had last stepped into this place, and could remember every smell and sight that associated with it. He could notice everyone rushing back and forth as they continued to try and get to the secret pillar, where the hidden platform 9 and three-quarters awaited. The reason why he was here today was because of new enrolment to Hogwarts. His son. He was excited to be able to see his son rush onto the station and wave goodbye, and could see the image repeating in his head, even though it hadn't happened yet. He still anticipated it though.

Andrew had walked ahead of his wife and 2 children, wanting to get to the train first. Sure, he was an auror slash healer, but he was still a kid deep down inside. He almost felt like he were racing them to the finish line, which was the magical barrier that hid the entrance to the station. He looked over his shoulder to see if he could see them, and had no luck. He grinned widely, knowing that he had won. They had spent the last few hours gathering last minute materials at Diagon Alley and was nerbous they would miss the train leaving. It wasn't supposed to leave for some time however, yet he didn't know.

For today, he wore a gray jacket, not the same one that he wore in his sixth and seventh year, but rather a new one that contained some important documents of murders, bills and etc. He also wore a black T-shirt, him being the casual guy he was, and blue jeans that always managed to make him feel right. He stopped for a moment to tie his shoe and after a moment got it perfectly laced up. He turned around again and saw Chase and his two kids near him. "Finnally," he smiled in a joking manner "you guys decided to show up."

Even as the years grew on, he still kept his original look that had defined him in his teen years. He had longer hair however, not much longer as it was before, and a small scar that he had recieved from a Death Eater fight below his lip. "Come on Chase!" he called out "we have to get going!"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
Occupation : Guitarist

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15 years later... Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Nick Potter Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:25 am

Nick was to take his kids to hogwarts for their 3rd year Nick had alot on him since his wife died and he was taking care of the kids by him self so he went through the secret corridor and seen some body that he hasnt seen n a while those people are Andrew Thompson and Chase Thompson/Moor ((Right)) Nick didnt know if they were Married but he did know tey had kids so he helped hiskids on to the train and walked over to them "Hi andrew Hi Chase" BNick said hoping they remembeed him
Nick Potter
Nick Potter
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

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15 years later... Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Chastity Moor Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:26 am

Chase rushed after her husband. "And you got your toothbrush!" She called after her oldest kid. A little girl was clutching her hand, hurrying to keep up with the family, her husband had literally rushed into the platform, acting like it was a race to see the train first. And Chase had been forced to yell thing he might of forgotten at his back. Pushing through the barrier, she laughed when she saw her son and husband standing next to each other. They both looked so much alike. "Haha, you beat us!" She said laughing happily, and pulling her youngest daughter, Selene and lifted her up and settled her against her hip. Selene, being only five, wouldn't be going to Hogwarts for some time yet.

"Okay, Andrew.. today's the big day, you got a whole new world ahead of you, and you have to promise me that you'll write often! I don't mean everyday, but at least once a week now you hear me!" She said a worried look on her face. She looked at her husband and laughed. "So you going to just stand there and gawk at the platform are you gonna help your son load his stuff onto the train?" She laughed joyously, a laugh that seemed to echo across the platform with how merry and happy it was, even after all of these years, her troubled teenage years seemed a thing of the past, and she was, if possible, even more beautiful then she was before in simple tight jeans and a t-shirt that had two wands crossed. "Oh Hello Nick! I didn't know you had kids!" She said grinning happily at her friend from school.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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15 years later... Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:35 am

Andrew pretended to bow in front of an invisble auideience at he looked at Chase. His son who stood next to him, did the same echoing his fathers lead. Andrew patted him on the back, and the little boy smiled. He had named him...well after himself and added Harry Potters first name into Andrew's middle name, to honor his memory even though he had no managed to kill Voldemort.

Andrew Junior groaned slightly as Chase began to say to write everyday, and Andrew Sr. smiled at Chase. "Come on," he said to Chase a big grin on his face "he'll be good. Now go see if you can find someone to meet okay?" The young Andrew nodded, and began to sprint in some odd directon, narrowily missing a wall in front of him. "Woah watch it!" Andrew had said before the near collision.

He turned slightly to hear a familiar voice near him. It was Nick, an old friend of his. "Oh," he said softly, remembering the time that he had nearly killed Andrew when he tried to save them both. Of course, he knew that he wasn't in control, but still. "Hey Nick." he said again, trying to sound more formal than friendly. He hadn't tried exactly, but rather felt it wedge into his voice. "Kids eh? Whos the lucky girl??"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
Occupation : Guitarist

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15 years later... Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Nick Potter Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:40 am

"Hi andrew hi Chase" Nick said to them greeting them"Well I did have kids they are in there third year they are 3 months apart there mom and my wife died around a year ago" Nick said loosing his happy emotion but re ganed it back a minute then he smiled at her "So wat year are they in ad whats there name My kids names are Dimitri Potter and my daughters name is Jackie Potter" Nick said he didnt know why he said there last names but he felt it was necessary
Nick Potter
Nick Potter
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 2916

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15 years later... Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Nerissa Hatts Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:45 am

The train station. Nerissa could remember the years when she herself had rushed through the barrier, closing her eyes because she feared she would crash into the brick wall and break her nose. She also remembered the butterflies that had filled her stomach every time she had boarded the Hogwarts Express, dragging her suitcase along behind her….

…but memories weren’t enough for her anymore. She needed to step onto the platform once more, and inhale the brilliant smell of the smoke that drifted off of the large train. That was the only reason she had decided to revisit the place, she told herself, but she knew that their was more behind it than that; she wanted to catch a glimpse of the people she had gone to school with, the people who had mocked her, and the people whom she had befriended, because she was starting to forget what she had been like all those years ago.

Nerissa pulled her dark colored traveling cloak farther around herself when a gust of wind blew past her, causing some of her long, tangled red hair to fall out of the ribbon she had tied it in, and fall in front of pale face. She stepped forward, pulling herself out of the brick barrier and into the crowd that swarmed around the Hogwarts Express on Platform 9 ¾. She was dressed in dark, tattered clothing that anyone could tell she had been wearing for some time, but her face was what caught the attention of others; she still appeared quite young, despite all that she had been put through, and it was rather shocking for others to see Nerissa Hatts again, looking as if she hadn’t aged nearly as much as she should have.

The women stuck to the sidelines as she crossed the Platform, not moving her eyes away from the large train only a yard or so away from her. Her light pink lips were curled upward into a soft broken smile as she watched little children climbing onto the train and running about inside of it in search of an empty compartment. Nerissa pressed her back up against one of the pillars in the place and slowly slid down to the floor so that she was sitting there with one legs extended, and one pulled up towards her chest. She rested one of her arms on the leg that was arched, and rested her head against the wall. Her dead eyes were glittering slightly as the smallest amount of tears filled them, even when she begged that the tears would stay way until she was on her own.

A young girl with light blonde hair walked past Nerissa, but slowed slightly when she noticed the women sitting there on the ground with wet eyes. Nerissa eyed the young girl and frowned; had she recognized her? Had the young girl seen Nerissa’s picture in the newspaper? Nerissa suddenly felt on-edge, and couldn’t help but shiver slightly; the last thing she needed was a group of Aurors rushing her way. “Run along,” she told the child in a soft voice.

Last edited by Nerissa Hatts on Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Nerissa Hatts

Number of posts : 482

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15 years later... Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Chastity Moor Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:47 am

Chase grinned at him, and pointed at her son, who was picking up some friends nicely already. "That's our oldest, Andrew Junior.. He's just starting Hogwarts this year, and this here is Selene.." She bounced the little girl on her hip before grinning at him, for Selene had hid her face in Chase's shoulder. "She's five, and a little shy of strangers so far, come on Selene, say hi to Mommy and Daddy's friend." She said grinning at the little girl. Selene peaked out over her mom's shoulder, and hid her face again quickly. Chase laughed pleasantly. "Sorry about that, she's been in this shy phase for a while now." She said grinning at Nick, and moving closer to Andrew, who had gotten quite tense when Nick had come up.

She looked up at him and smiled happily. "Isn't this exciting Andrew?" She said softly, her eyes alight. "I feel like my mom when I first got to school.. Wow.. I can remember that day, only I didn't get quite along so well as Andrew is.." She said pointing and giggling. He had a whole group of girls around him, telling another of his dangerous tales of life around the lake. Chase giggled. "He is so much like you Andrew.." She said looking up at him and smiling happily. She had to be the luckiest girl on earth, to somehow have found Andrew, who had wanted to be with her forever.. and have the two most wonderful kids... she smiled and rested her head against his shoulder, moving Selene to her other hip.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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15 years later... Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Nick Potter Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:53 am

"Well thats Jackie over there" Nick said pointing to a girl in a lab coat and googles with blonde sorta curly hair "She loves science weter it be chmestry or what she likes it so she dosent talk to many people an thats Dimitri Over there" Nick said pointing to a boy with blonde curly hair eating a choclate frog "He loves collecting them cards that come in them" Nick said as he looked back at Chase and Andrew "Is that Nerissa Hatts over there" Nick pointed at her
Nick Potter
Nick Potter
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
Sixth Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 2916

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15 years later... Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:58 am

Andrew felt more proud as Chase began to name off his children. It was hard to believe that he could have an amazing wife and 2 children that were very respectful, which most people have often joked about since Andrew was more free-spirited. Yet he still loved them. He turned his head over to where he could see Andrew Junior talking to some girls nearby the front of the train. "Atta boy," he said softly and chuckled.

Yet as he noticed Andrew Junior begin to talk to the girls, he noticed someone just sitting there be herself. He recognised her almost immediatly by the way she sat, yet decided not to talk to her yet. He wanted to be with his family now. "The girls part is definetely why I think he's my son," he said, a grin etched on his face "if there wasn't, I'd be questioning on whose child he was..." after an awkward paused he quickly said "kidding!"

When Nick said who he knew that the person was, he nodded, feeling almost bad for not going over to say hello. He kissed Chase lightly on the lips and said "Be right back." He let go of Chase and walked over to the hooded figure who just sat there.

He walked quietly behind the girl and said in a calm voice "Hello Essa. How are you?" He still remembered her old nickname that he had used to call her when they were still dating. He used it more as a greeting now than anything else.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
Occupation : Guitarist

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15 years later... Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Matthew Lestrange Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:01 am

Matt had been inspecting the Hogwarts express and seeing his children and Noel off with Emmy and Sophia. He popped out of the main compartment, otherwise known as the conductors car. Everything seemed in order, he had aged, but not too much. He was pushing forty though, but still remained as fun and energetic as ever. He hopped down and walked over to Emmy and Sophia who were fawning over Noel and the James and Madi.

"Jeez guys they're only going for a year," he said chuckling and walking over and placing an arm around his wife's waste. "Besides, you can see them any time you like. I am the Minister after all." he said winking at Sophia. "Now, you two behave yourselves." he told the twins. "You, no kissing any boys." he told Madi. "And you, try your best not to burn the teachers but this year. And if you do, try not to get caught." he told him grinning cheekily.

He kissed Emmy's cheek, the past fifteen years went by fast hey hun?" he asked her. Sophia was all grown up, Caspian and Keegan were done school. Alexia was getting a job now. Everything was good, there was still evil in the world but it didn't show to often. "And you," he said turning to Noel. "Give your grandpa a hug before you go." he said bringing Noel into a big hug. "Watch out for those two, I never trust them when they're gone," he said loud enough for the twins to here. He was joking of course, but they still gave him "the look" they inherited from their mother.

15 years later... Tumblr_oyip5qmUoz1sj8jevo1_500
Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
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