Name: Elizabeth Potter (I have decided to come back)
Months on the site: I have been here since the month of May back in 2008 and it is 25 months in total. Next month will be 26 months.
How active you can be: Very Daily and come on much as needed
Years of experience: 4 years
Anything else: I am great at coding and graphics and I like to treat others respect as they do the same. I know how to use plus and the admin panel from this kind of forum. I know how I like to clean out threads that don't belong around any more or bad thread that must be put away or deleted. I love helping others out and much to make this place a better place. I understand in many situations that you must always remind claim if something terrible happens and find a way to solve it without arguing nor fighting either going against each other.
I have a professional skill plus the program in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and in Adobe Premiere Elements 7.
Please feel free to ask questions, all my messengers will be available on my profile.