"I am glad you see it differently. I am, besides a father and a grandfather, a strategist. I know how Rob Dent thinks. He'll be sitting and thinking about nothing but escape--and perhaps rallying what force he might have left. I do not want him absconding with Abbey if he should escape or sending some minion to take her and hold her until he can get to her to take her from Khaat permanently so he can raise her in some illegal potions lab run by Knockturn Alley, well, ladies. But I use the term ladies very loosely. My intent is to deliberately use the fact that Rob does not know Brian, nor do any of his new roommates, to send a strong message, that I am a force to be reckoned with and that I will always stand, with all of Khaat's friends and a lot more, to protect my family. I need to use the fact that he is an enigma right now to the wizarding world. You and Jack are not enigmas. You are already well known and respected aurors. I'm capitalizing on that by having you here so that if someone does come, they will think twice before messing with you. If they find Brian here, they don't know what he's made of, and we could very well have a replay of this afternoon. And none of us want that. As for Brian's taking things personally, this time it is very personal because its Khaat. Khaat is the only sister figure he's ever had. His own family wasn't worth a whole lot. Khaat and I are far closer to him than his blood family. He does take that extremely seriously. But the more effective we become, the more businesslike he will be."