"Great!" chimed Kylie. "Let me drop my book off really fast, be right back." Breaking into what appeared to be an attempted jog, but looked more like a spider on roller skates, Kylie dashed up the stairs to the dorms. After a moment, she returned, huffing and puffing slightly. "Ok, let's go!" With nothing to occupy the rarely vacant space where her book had been, she attempted several positions for her arms as they walked, but finally dropped them to her side - she hadn't realized how much of a safety blanket those books had been.
Kylie let Abbey lead the way; even after a few weeks, Kylie wasn't confident in her navigation skills around the castle. It seemed as if every stairway and hall looked the same. She'd started identifying them by statues and paintings, and had a list scribbled in her journal of common routes she took that she often glanced at furtively on her way to class. Falling just a half step or so behind Abbey - enough to mime her direction without walking behind her - Kylie tried to think of a topic to bring up.
OOC: The grounds sound okay? I can start a new post now or we can RP them walking/talking on the way. Either way's fine with me
Sorry for the length of time between posts. Back at school after break, blegh.