"Believe me, I am certainly not blaming you. I do know how new you are to this whole thing, and I appreciate your interest more than you know," Khaat said. "I will talk to Jack and have him give you the annual reports from the last 10 years here, along with the monthly reports from the beginning of my tenure here as well. I will make sure he delivers them to you as soon as humanly possible.
"And I am sorry about repeating myself. Part of that is because we are so incredibly limited here. And, honestly, part of it is that I have been under an extraordinary strain both here and at home. Did you know I have more and more homeless children coming to live with me all the time, and I'm not sure how long I can continue to house and provide for them in the way they deserve. How do I apply for ministry assistance either for buying additional property to enlarge what I have in Hogsmeade or to buy a new home, and also for assistance to buy them food, clothing, tuition to Hogwarts and other essentials? Nobody else is providing for them. I don't mind doing it, but if they're just going to keep coming, I need some ministry help--please."