Tomorrow. TOMORROW? Wow, tomorrow. But she had to be back at Hogwarts tomorrow. But it was ten in the evening. Can I slip out? I can totally slip out. I'm not on patrol that night. I can just lock my bedroom door and floo down to London. Simple as. Right? That should work. At least, I hope so. Jemma returned to earth, hoping she didn't have a totally glazed look when she was thinking. She always did though, she couldn't help it.
BACKSTAGE? he often take friends backstage? No, Jemma, DON'T think like that. You've only just met the guy. This is how it happened last time, don't you dare put yourself through that again. You know how it ended. You remember? Good.
"I'd love to join you backstage" Jemma replied, smiling at him.
WHAT? You idiot. You've just met the guy and you've agreed to sneak out of Hogwarts to watch his show and then go backstage with him? Nice one. He could be a horrible person, you know? Completely awful! Why are you agreeing to do this? You stupid, stupid, woman.
"So where is this show?" Jemma asked him, trying to ignore the voices in the back of her head.