Khaat led Miseria to a basket of big red apples just inside the cellar door. She chose one and handed it to her. "My necklace warns me about werewolves. My uncle was a werewolf and was afraid he would harm me when he..wasn't he had this necklace created to protect me. Evidently, it doesn't perceive you as a thread or it would be trying to ward you away from me. Come, you'll find kitchen knives for cutting the apple in the knife holder on the kitchen counter. Help yourself. " She closed the cellar door and led Miseria back to the kitchen. Then Khaat went back to join the others.
She heard Narcissa talk about being trapped in a life where she was ordered by men and not free to make her own choices. In that way, Khaat was blessed to not be so controlled. She felt herself wanting more for her friend than to feel trapped, controlled and miserable, even though she had all money could buy. As the saying went, she was a bird in a gilded cage. And a cage, no matter how fine, was still a cage. Her only happiness, such as it was, was her children and grandchildren.
ooc: the necklace is Khaat's, Jack. Not Miserias. lol