Christy's Room ((Nick)) - Page 2
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Christy's Room ((Nick)) - Page 2 Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Christy's Room ((Nick))

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Christy's Room ((Nick)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Christy's Room ((Nick))

Post by Christabelle Whittle Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:12 pm

She had returned the kiss eagerly, having wanted him to kiss her like that all night. The kiss had been more passionate than any they had ever shared and it left her a tad bit breathless from the intensity alone. "You are not sleeping on my floor." she said almost glaring at him, "You're right beside me now and thats where you shall stay until morning." she smiled when she realized that he was only teasing and moved towards him so their lips could lock once more. When they broke apart from the kiss she looked at him, "And what part of you being locked in my room is exactly being good?" she asked curiously, knowing she had made a point. It wasn't a very bright idea for the two of them to be in a locked room in her home sharing a bed but she didn't want him to move, much less sleep on the floor. It was just rude to make him do such a thing.

She listened to him speak. Like him this was the first time she was spending the night with someone. Unlike Abbey, Godric and Allie, this was different. This was someone Christy actually had extremely powerful feelings for. She knew in her heart of hearts Nick was her true love but she wasn't sure if she should say it. She lifted herself up a bit and kissed him sweetly on the lips before moving to his ear. "I think I feel as if I could spend the rest of my days with you, doing nothing but making you happy every chance I got, and die a happy woman." she said as she pulled away from him to look him in the eyes.
Christabelle Whittle
Christabelle Whittle
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Seventh Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 4350
Special Abilities : Seer, Legilimens
Occupation : Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain, Divination TA

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Christy's Room ((Nick)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Christy's Room ((Nick))

Post by Guest Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:06 pm

Nicholas returned Christabelle’s kisses with the same passion as she delivered them. He did not really see the problem in a locked door, though if it made Christabelle uncomfortable he did not mind unlocking it. He smiled and spoke calmly “I guess I can understand your concern, what goes on behind locked doors tends to be mischief. No need to worry though….” Drawing his wand from his pocket he flicked it in the direction of the door, non verbally unlocking it. There was a small click as the mechanism’s in the door unlocked themselves. Now anyone could walk in when they wished, and Christabelle and himself showed the world that they had nothing to hide behind her heavy white door. When she spoke of how much he meant to her Nicholas got an odd satisfaction from it all. She appreciated and admired him more than anyone else and it was a lovely feeling. He felt like she was the only one he could really trust with his life and he took her hand in his as he assured her he felt the same “If that is the case then I would be honoured to keep you by my side forever. We were designed with each other in mind, together we will do great things, I assure you.” He moved in closer and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

Nicholas who had been lying on his side, rolled over onto his back and gazed out the window. The darkness outside was full on now and as he reached into his pocket, taking out his pocket watch he realised how late, or indeed early it was, one in the morning infact. Smiling he spoke “Do your eyes weigh heavy my dove? Shall we sink into a deep sleep and arise in the morning or is there something else you wished too say?” Nicholas himself was rather tired, all the talking and pacing earlier had seemed to take a toll on him. He would stay up though if Christabelle wished….

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Christy's Room ((Nick)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Christy's Room ((Nick))

Post by Christabelle Whittle Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:09 pm

Christy tried to fight back a yawn, but no such luck. "I am, I was trying so hard not to be tired." she replied looking at him. She had grown more sleepy as she laid next to him. "What time is it?" she asked as she saw him pull out his pocket watch. It had to be into the early hours of the morning she knew, having already met up with him so late that night, then to come here and further into the revelation. She curled up against him and laid her head on his chest as she waited for the answer. After hearing it she yawned again, "I think we should head to sleep love."
Christabelle Whittle
Christabelle Whittle
Seventh Year Ravenclaw
Seventh Year Ravenclaw

Number of posts : 4350
Special Abilities : Seer, Legilimens
Occupation : Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain, Divination TA

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Christy's Room ((Nick)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Christy's Room ((Nick))

Post by Guest Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:40 pm

Nick looked down upon her as she curled up next to him, clearly shattered after the nights going on’s. He replied to her question in a hushed manner, so as not to disturb her tired state of mind “One.” One o’clock, a whole night they had been in each other’s company, Nick didn’t want it too end but they both needed to sleep. Nicholas was shattered but he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep, he wrapped his arms around Christabelle and tried to empty his mind of all the thoughts he was having at that precise moment in time. All this talk of a vampire-werewolf extermination, his worries about Christabelle, everything but he just couldn’t seem too shake them. He turned his head too look down upon her features, her eyes were closed now and no doubt her mind was spiralling down into darkness. Allowing his head to sink into the pillow he closed his eyes…..


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