by Guest Thu May 28, 2009 10:52 pm
IT IS YEAR 2022...and it has been many peaceful years since harry potter has defeated lord voldemort. everything was going fine until the summer. since the students left last year, strange things have been happening at the castle. random disappearance of things, rearranging of rooms on floors (though, much to the dismay of certain students, they always seem to go back in time for classes), and things of that nature.
Since the oldest sibling set off the curse, the trio has witnessed for themselves the true magnitude and subtlety of destruction that their Dark Lord had entrusted to them. They're sitting back and watching the castle rearrange itself, hearing about how, over the summer, rooms had started to disappear, and reappear on a different floor. The castle is fighting the curse, but how long can it withstand the effects, when people think it's just the castle? Some even believe there's just too much magic contained within its walls, causing it to start to self-implode. Any way the adults think, however, they know it's only a matter of time before the castle destroys itself, with or without their efforts to stop the unknown force.
In the meantime, the dark trio of students is experiencing a rift with the youngest brother. He's starting to question their motives, despite his sisters' reassurances. He's conflicted, being raised in the pureblood superiority viewpoint, but not really getting what they're working toward. He's questioning everything - why they're doing this, what it gives them, and even if he should stop it, having a vague idea of what's going on. Will this boy be the undoing of the dark lord's spell, or will he keep quiet, sit back, and be the good little brother he always appeared to be? Will he tell anyone his family's dark secret, aware that it will send them to Azkaban, or will Hogwarts remain
forever cursed?