I think we need a list somewhere of the numbers for each house. I don't mean the total numbers I mean the active numbers. We have a ton of members in houses that never come on. I think if we had a up to date number list of active house members we would be able to sort members easier. I don't mind doing the count just want to know everyones thoughts on it.
Jemma beat me to it. So this is the list. Now we know what house is in the need of members:
Jemma: Editted into two spoilers. See notes down there vv
- Spoiler:
Gryffindor: (10; 6F, 4M)
Savannah A. Galloway
Lily Potter
Daniel M. Valantine
Aden Williams
Kevin Thomas
Chase Moor
Jesse Daniels
Michelle Goodwin
Alexa Finnigan
Keena Malfoy
Hufflepuff: (8; 6F, 2M)
(Jemma Tiquelle, Head)
Mariana Diggory
Zoë Weasley
Samantha Burns
Katherine Piper
Benjamin Macmillan
Curtis Mohon
Alice Longbottom
Josie Adelia Davis
Ravenclaw: (10; 9F, 1M)
(Professor Adeagbo, Head)
Ginevra Malenki
Sarah Cain
Catalina Williams
Izzie Stevens
Sterling Silver
Cecilia Krum
Virginia Vista
Haley Kantal
Kieko Li
Vitani Lea
Slytherin: (9; 5F, 4M)
(Adaleen Valiteen, Head)
Suzannah Malfoy
Albus Severus Potter
Jasper Black
Ne'os Emof
Nadya Webbs
Thomas Tangleton
Nerezza Talbot
Allana Parker
Claire Haner
(I've guessed who will/won't pass.)
- Spoiler:
First Years: (1, 1F, 0M)
Josie Adelia Davis
Second Years: (4, 2F, 2M)
Izzie Stevens
Benjamin Macmillan
Samantha Burns
Curtis Mohon
Third Years: (2, 2F, 0M)
Alice Longbottom
Alexa Finnigan
Fourth Years: (4, 2F, 2M)
Kevin Thomas
Daniel Valantine
Cecilia Krum
Lily Potter
Fifth Years: (5, 4F, 1M)
Virginia Vista
Sterling Silver
Haley Kantal
Claire Haner
Keena Malfoy
Sixth Years: (12, 8F, 4M)
Ginevra Malenki
Suzannah Malfoy
Albus Potter
Zoe Weasley
Jasper Black
Ne'os Emof
Catalina Williams
Chase Moor
Jesse Daniels
Michelle Goodwin
Kieko Li
Vitani Lea
Seventh Years: (8, 6F, 2M)
Savannah Galloway
Sarah Cain
Mariana Diggory
Kat Piper
Aden Williams
Thomas Tangleton
Nerezza Talbot
Allana Parker
Graduating now
Addy Adeagbo
Darren Riddle
Aminia Lestrange
Victoire Weasley
1. Hufflepuff
2. Slytherin
3. Gryffindor
4. Ravenclaw
1. Hufflepuff
2. Ravenclaw
3. Slytherin
4. Gryffindor
Just hope lots of people fail xD.