"Hang around enough chefs," Angus said, "and you learn all kinds of names for the same thing. I guess I don't really care what its called as long as its edible."
"Its good," Sam said. "Better than what the house elves made at Hogwarts."
"Really?" Angus frowned. "When we were there, the food was always really good."
"Yeah, well, it was good once we got past breakfast," Victor said. "One of the house elves had a real fondness for firewhiskey, and so breakfast was nothing to get excited about."
"Hm. Too bad the headmaster didn't do something about it."
"The headmaster didn't like porridge, so it didn't apparently much matter," Victor said. "At any rate, its good to get some that's worth eating."
"Ginger and Anise's studies start this morning," Sam said. "Suppose they'll do alright?"
"I think they're going to do very well," Angus said. "Italy didn't get the storm that we did, so their classes should be right on schedule."
"But they won't be coming home tonight," Victor said.
"No, I dont' think they will. I know they were counting on coming home at the end of the day, but I dont' think our weather will let me go get them. They'll have to be in Italy until the weather clears, however long that is. Sometimes a blizzard can last a couple of days. This one hasn't been going even 24 hours. We could be into this quite awhile longer, I'm afraid," Angus said. He finished his breakfast. and he got up and fed Finn. Then he worked on clearing the table and doing the washing up.
"Oh, by the way, I deliberately didn't bring this up over breakfast," Marcus said, "but one of the babies, or maybe even both of them, had some sort of ungodly blowout. I did not wake them because they were sleeping really soundly, but even my twins never made a stench like I smelled in that nursery this morning."
"I'll get it when I'm done with the kitchen," Angus sighed. "i'll be glad when they're potty trained."