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Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

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What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.


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Post by Hayden L. Fawkes Jr. Sun Apr 30, 2023 8:46 pm

Hayden was filled with a sense of disbelief as he listened to Patch's account of his life. The poem that Patch had read to him was beautiful, but what really struck Hayden was how deeply it had affected Patch. "The poem is beautiful," he said softly, "but it was your reading of it that made it truly special. I don't think it would have had the same impact without you."

As he spoke, Hayden couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Patch. Despite the hardships he had faced, Patch had managed to find beauty in the world and had shared it with others. It was a rare gift, and one that Hayden would always cherish.
Hayden L. Fawkes Jr.
Hayden L. Fawkes Jr.
Ilvermorny Student
Ilvermorny Student

Number of posts : 241

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Post by Patrick (Patch) Underwood Mon May 01, 2023 7:43 am

Patch always had to closet himself to please his father, all his life he always felt like he was different from his other siblings and he finally knew why. When he found out his father refused to believe it thinking it was some stage he was going through, but Patch liked girls but something about guys drew him in and now with Hayden he could see it all. He always loved poetry but was told by his father he didn't need to be reading that, only girls did it made him upser his father wouldn't accept him and never will. "It was really beautiful, I didn't think it would be about us but here we are but I'm glad that poem brought us together. "

Despite his hardships Patch always smiled and always looked on the bright side anx tried to see good in everyone and everything. Beauty was hard to find now days, but Hayden was a rare beauty to him and he wasn't letting him go.
Patrick (Patch) Underwood
Patrick (Patch) Underwood

Number of posts : 278

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Post by Hayden L. Fawkes Jr. Mon May 01, 2023 4:15 pm

Hayden realized he had lost track of time while sitting with Patrick, only noticing when his stomach began to rumble, signaling that it was almost dinnertime. He had been lost in his own world just the two of them. "I am too," he agreed with a smile directed at Patrick. "But I think it's about time for us to head back to the castle. What do you think?"

He got up from the ground, brushing the dirt off his pants, and offered his hand to Patch to help him up.
Hayden L. Fawkes Jr.
Hayden L. Fawkes Jr.
Ilvermorny Student
Ilvermorny Student

Number of posts : 241

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Post by Patrick (Patch) Underwood Wed May 03, 2023 10:57 pm

Wow... crazy how things flew by when you're lost in a moment, a moment he didn't want to end. But unfortunately life had to go on no matter how much he wanted to stop it just to live in this moment. He was so caught up in his own little world with Hayden he failed to notice the day was passing by, before he knew it dinner time was upon them. Frowning knowing they'll have to go their separate ways he looked up at Hayden. "Yeah... I'm starving, but I will see your gorgeous self again yes?"

He liked Hayden and spending time with him, it made him feel calm and at ease not to mention loved and wanted.
Patrick (Patch) Underwood
Patrick (Patch) Underwood

Number of posts : 278

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Post by Hayden L. Fawkes Jr. Wed May 03, 2023 11:37 pm

Hayden couldn't help but chuckle, a warm smile spreading across his face as he gazed at Patrick. "You don't have to ask twice, Pat. I'll always be there for you," he replied, his eyes shining with happiness at the thought of spending more time with his friend.

He couldn't deny that the prospect of being apart from Patrick was a daunting one, especially given the fact that they were stuck in the same school with classes together. But the thought of not seeing Patrick again filled him with a sense of emptiness, and he was relieved that his friend felt the same way.

"I mean, it would be pretty hard to avoid each other even if we tried, huh?" he continued, a hint of playful humor in his voice. "But honestly, I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet. Let's make the most of the time we have left together."
Hayden L. Fawkes Jr.
Hayden L. Fawkes Jr.
Ilvermorny Student
Ilvermorny Student

Number of posts : 241

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Post by Patrick (Patch) Underwood Fri May 05, 2023 10:57 pm

Patch was starting to notice the more he was with Hayden the more happier and alive he felt,  like he was his missing piece.  A part of his heart and soul that needed love and comfort, the one he longed for for so long.  "Good cause I'm always going to need you Hayden, more then you'll ever know."  He was so thankful to have Hayden in his life, couldn't imagine life without him.

He was in all his classes and all that, but seeing them just the two of them is something that enlighten him and his body in more ways then possible.  It was something about Hayden that intrigued him and gave him the sense of completeness, the thought not seeing him again made him frown.  

"Hm.... true, but I wouldn't ignore you even if I tried."  Chuckling he replied.  "Besides this school might be big but we stay away from each other being in the same school and classes."  A small blush escaping his cheeks he nodded.  "Neither am I, the time needs to stop moving so fast I'm  enjoying being with you too much but time can't say still."  He wanted to be with Hayden as much as possible,  he wasn't ready to call it a day with him.
Patrick (Patch) Underwood
Patrick (Patch) Underwood

Number of posts : 278

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Post by Hayden L. Fawkes Jr. Sat May 06, 2023 5:47 pm

"We dine in the same spot, attend the same classes, and share mutual friends," Hayden nonchalantly remarked, a mischievous smirk dancing upon his face. "With such close proximity, the odds of our paths crossing seem rather promising. Alternatively, we could intentionally arrange to rendezvous in Hogsmeade." The relentless march of time only seemed to hasten, leaving them with a mere year left at Hogwarts before being thrust into the daunting realm of adulthood. The very notion sent shivers down Hayden's spine, for the real world held a vast array of unknowns. Fortunately, such worries could be set aside for now, allowing him to revel in the present.
Hayden L. Fawkes Jr.
Hayden L. Fawkes Jr.
Ilvermorny Student
Ilvermorny Student

Number of posts : 241

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Post by Patrick (Patch) Underwood Sun May 07, 2023 7:50 am

"Why yes and as much as I like seeing your gorgeous sexy self in classes which makes them not so unbearably tormenting they like to call teaching, I would like to see you alone without anyone else around like at this very moment. " While he did enjoy his friends being around, he did like having solitude and solitude with Hayden' again make his heart swell with happiness. "A rendezvous in Hogsmeade hm? Name your day and I'm there." Spending a day alone with Hayden made him feel jubilant but also made him blush. Biting his lip he looked up at Hayden. "I'm game for this weekend if no one or nothing is taking your time. " This year was almost over and their last year was upon them, the thought frightened him, but he wasn't going to worry about that yet. What's coming will come, and we'll meet it when it does.
Patrick (Patch) Underwood
Patrick (Patch) Underwood

Number of posts : 278

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Post by Hayden L. Fawkes Jr. Sun May 07, 2023 1:16 pm

Hayden let out a scoff, his eyes rolling playfully in response. Describing himself as gorgeous or sexy was something he never would have considered. But when Patrick bestowed those words upon him, a flicker of delight danced in his eyes. "This weekend it is," he replied with a smile, his mind already buzzing with countless ideas of where they could venture and what they could experience. The mere thought of escaping their fathers' expectations, breaking free from the confining walls of the Castle, and having an entire weekend to themselves sent a surge of exhilaration through his veins. Just Hayden and Patrick, embarking on an adventure unencumbered by external pressures. The concept resonated deeply within him, igniting a flame of anticipation that burned brightly. Yes, he liked that idea. In fact, he liked it more than he could express.
Hayden L. Fawkes Jr.
Hayden L. Fawkes Jr.
Ilvermorny Student
Ilvermorny Student

Number of posts : 241

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Post by Patrick (Patch) Underwood Mon May 08, 2023 5:20 am

Patch jumped back a little startled at his scoff but then blushed in embarrassment when he seen his eyes roll playfully. He definitely was in Patch's eyes, everything from his smile to his was hot and sexy as hell and he couldn't get enough of it. Patch never considered himself any of that, after so long of being told he's worthless and no one would ever love him the thoughts always remained in his head haunting him mentally and emotionally. "Great I lool forward to having your presence for a whole day to myself." The ideas of them being free from their fathers' clutches made him feel a wave of exhilaration of freedom they needed.
Patrick (Patch) Underwood
Patrick (Patch) Underwood

Number of posts : 278

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