"Has he?" Angus asked. "As long as he's happy with himself and his life. That's all that matters."
"So you know, Ruby," Marcus said. "I have put some extra protections on the balcony doors tonight to make it impossible for them to open. I've actually just temporarily eliminated the doors and made them part of the wall. They aren't going to be able to open the doors because, frankly, the damn doors aren't there tonight at all. And, I will be coming in off and on all night just to make sure you're both still secure. I don't know that there will be any problem tonight, but if I were his screwball relatives, I would be striking tonight to keep him from being able to show up tomorrow. I am going to make it ridiculously hard for them to even think about it, so if you hear someone in the room during the night, its probably just me."
Angus yawned, as Marcus closed the drapes.
"Make sure you finish all your cider, Angus, Sleep well, you two. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight," Marcus told them. He left, closing the door behind him.
"Do you have everything you need or want for the funeral tomorrow, Ru?" Angus asked. "Is there anything else that we need to get for you and the girls for tomorrow?"