"Anise seems to be pretty settled and calm," Angus said. "I haven't spent much time with Ginger, but I'm presuming that Jeffrey and Nigel and Robert are working with her to try to help her work past some of that trauma. I've heard some of that can stick with someone for years after. That witch nearly killed Ginger, nearly starved her to death. I have no idea when Robert is going to be able to let Ginger go from the sickbay, but I think its mainly to manage the dehydration and malnutrition. She's severely underweight. She looks like a ruddy skeleton, Ru. And I can't blame that on some old crazy witch. That was 100% Suzanne. If Reginald has any legitimate opportunity to kill her from the other side, I promise I will just step aside and let him have at her."
He listened to Ruby talk about having six in the house and things being hectic.
"When Ginger gets here, there will be seven. Eight if you count David too," he told her. "And I know Caprice will need help but let's be real. There will be five adults and two teens, with two more adults next door. Caprice will not need anything. She'll be just fine. And with that many, they can pretty much all lend a hand with laundry, cooking and cleaning. We'll be just fine.
"As for Khaat, the soup is a good idea. She likes just about any sort of soup. The only thing she's really asked for is for me to make her some of the crackers I made her right after Abbey was born. I have a bread recipe that I brought back from Hawaii for Hawaiian Sweet Bread. It uses mashed potatoes in the dough and so much sugar that the crust caramelizes. It's quite lovely. Over there, they use it to make the most fabulous eggy bread. Don't ask for eggy bread though. The Americans won't have any idea what you're talking about. They call eggy bread French Toast. It's eggy bread, though. Same thing, different name.
Anyway, after Khaat had Abbey, to get her to eat, I took some of that sweet bread dough and rolled it very, very thin and made it into crispy savoury biscuits. She absolutely loves them. She asked Robert to ask me if I would make some. But that means I have to make the dough, let it rise and then get up by about 3:30 or four to roll out the dough til its very, very thin, cut it, and bake the crackers for her. As I see it, I think tomorrow is going to be a ridiculously long day for me."
The baby started to get cranky, and he already knew why. It was past her bedtime. She needed her bottle, and she needed to be put to bed. He got up, picked her up, made a bottle, fed her, and then he took her upstairs, put her in a sleeper and put her into her crib in her room for the first time. He lit all the little fairy lights in her tree, and it gave her room a warm, friendly glow. He didn't need to stay with her for more than a moment because she dozed straight off.
He changed into some lounge trousers and a tee shirt and came back downstairs.
"She's in her own room for the night, in her crib, and she's already sound asleep," he smiled. "Watch, someone will leave us another baby to take care of next, and it'll be a complete hellion."