"Yes, I am aware it is from the outside," Robert said. "I believe I know who, ultimately is the man who caused all this, but he is an evil, powerful man who is out of reach for England." That was about as clearly as he could tell her that this man was not British. "I have contacts that can perhaps assist me with the matter. If you want him stopped, you may have to rely on me to make that happen. I presume the ministry still trusts me with sensitive matters?"
It was no secret that he had been the spymaster for England's wizarding world in his time at the ministry. He still spearheaded some of their most sensitive classified missions on a commission basis, but he did not know if she was aware that the ministry still used him. Quite honestly, the current minister, in Robert's opinion, was an inept git, and the people in the Unspeakable department knew it and basically were operating without the minister's control. Michael was still an Unspeakable, specializing in extraction and the occasional theft when it needed to happen. Brian still worked at the ministry and was responsible for the training of the aurors. Robert had no desire to put Ruby on the spot about what she knew or didn't know, but, at this point, he didn't know how much he could trust her with. He was trying to delicately sound her out before he trusted her with the full story. He did know he would eventually have to tell her that they believed Khaat and Marcus had both been taken. That was information that, he knew, would be critical for the ministry to know, but he didn't want them mucking up the whole process of getting Khaat and Marcus back. And, he wasn't sure if Ruby was going to like their weird alignment with Fenrir Greyback as a mechanism to bring James Blood under control. But then again, James was pretty much on the top of England's most wanted list because of his serial killings.
"I am not trying to be avoidant, Ruby," he said, "but this is just a very touchy business, as you can well appreciate. How much do you know?"