Well that would just be his luck now wouldn't it. Two previous summer's he'd been working here and had worked extra careful to remain in the back during orientation week. Two summers not a single student had come to the Three Broomsticks during that week.
the one summer he decides to work the week up front a student shows up.
You're dumb, you're thick in the brain and you're dumb. Remember that, Lestrange, ugh. he thought to himself.
"Right, well I hadn't known about orientation this week. You see, I'm not usually in Hogsmeade during the summers around now." he hastily replied. Would she believe him? Or was she seeing through his ruse? No, best not to think about those things until the cat has officially left the bag. Otherwise it could interfere with how well he was doing at lying, which, was still not very well.
"Actually Madame Rosmerta owes my father some money so they're off having a discussion." he began to lie. "So, actually it's my father and Madame Rosmerta who asked me to stick around. Can't have someone so important to the family losing their only branch of income." he chuckled, very nervously. Regardless of the lie, he had to earn his money and he shouldn't drive customers away. "So, what class are you TAing for?" he asked
He reached for a mug underneath the counter and pulled out a frosted mug. He began to pour her the summer special version of the drink. Designed to cool off rather than warm up - he gave her a weak smile as he placed it on the counter.
"That'll be three sickles."