OMG. You just reminded me.
I was doing beginner ballet because I haven't done ballet for years, but apparently the teacher for the class above us is a total B. So there are a bunch of students in the beginner class who should be in the next class up, but they keep taking the beginner class until they can graduate to the next class above that. So, basically our class is full of people who are NOT beginners, since they fill up the bookings, and then people like me who are total beginners, but savvy enough to figure out you have to book ahead of time to get a spot.
Anyhow, that means whenever our teacher is off sick or teaching a workshop, we get a replacement who thinks everyone is as good as the non-beginners. And she's all like "just put your leg up on the barre", "turn out more", "stand in releve till the end of time". Like, I can't do any of those things. I'm just here for exercise, I'm not trying to become Misty Copeland.