Ability Desired:Animagus
How your character got this ability:In her 2nd year, she took Transfiguration and began to work on her animal shape. This took another year for her to actually master, and when she did, she transformed into a cat resembling this: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/232/497954106_68a3847b67.jpg?v=0
Ability Desired:Occlumens
How your character got this ability:In her 3rd year, she understood that people at Hogwarts were able to read each others minds so she got private lessons to learn how to keep people from doing that, until her 7th Year when she could try to learn how to read minds herself.
Ability Desired:Nonverbal Magic
How your character got this ability:Isabella was always a bookworm and studied her magic long enough to realize she could master them without saying the proper words. She practiced and practiced and finally was able to do nonverbal magic.This is only for spells she's said before not ones that are new to her.
Ability Desired:Apparation
How your character got this ability:Isabella just learned how to apparate in her 4th Year, getting private lessons to master this special ability of disappearing and reappearing anywhere. She can only go so far maybe from one end of Hogwarts grounds to the other but not long distances like England to China.