Ability Desired:Animagus
How your character got this ability: working as an Auror for the ministry, one day Nickolas went to the minsters office. He asked the minister if he could be trained and registered as a Animagus. after months of dedicated work, Nickolas became a black dog, a grim., like his grandfather Sirius.
Ability Desired:]Leglimens
How your character got this ability: In Nickolas seventh year he went one day to Professor Shacklebolts office. he told Professor Shacklebolt that he was going into the ministry to become an Auror and that he needing to learn to read others minds as a way to battle death eaters than he encountered. professor shacklebolt agreed, seeing as this was a difficult time for Aurors and they needed as many abilities as possible.
Ability Desired:Occlumens
How your character got this ability: Once professor shaklebolt got finished with Nickolas on legimency he thought it best that he learn occlumency as well.
Ability Desired:Nonverbal magic
How your character got this ability: in his 4th year, Nickolas learned from Professor Valiteen how to perform nonverbal magic and passed the finals with top marks. he also learned to do the patronus charm, which is a phoenix.
[b]Ability desired:Apparation
How your character got this ability: in his fifth year, Nickolas learned in apparition practice how to apparate. at first he apparated without his hands and had to have them magically stitched back on, but he passed on the second time.
Ability Desired:Wandless magic
How your character got this ability: as an Auror, Nickolas learned how to perform wandless magic. he retired after 10 yrs as an auror, but due to the difficulty of the spell, it took him 3 yrs to learn. Now Nickolas can do wandless magic easily and quickly then he can with his wand.