I leave the journal in my room. I've seen you with it, but you have a much better excuse from privacy. If I'm ever suspected, Keir the Headmaster has a right to ask to see it, if there's ever a connection. So I'm keeping it tucked away safely, discouraging suspicion altogether.
Which means, the few times that I'm caught without something to do, I've taken to reading. I've been sending lists to Flourish and Blotts and getting exhausted owls in return, loaded down with books. I used to read quite a lot. I don't know if you knew that. It was probably my favorite thing. I don't know when I stopped. I'm going to start again. Books can be my friends.
I'm kidding.
I really am going to try. To reach out, that is. You're all I need, but I don't want us to ever feel like we need to rely on each other. That's too much pressure. I think my mum relied on my dad. Everyone treated her like she was this strong, independent person but I never saw that. She put on a good act, I guess, but what I saw was a woman who seemed to forget why I was even around. Without him, nothing seemed to make sense, and I don't want that for either of us. You make me stronger, but you don't make me, and I think it's the same with you.
That said, I'd put up a pretty big fight to keep you around.
All this to say, I'm going to reach out. I'm not sure where. Or to whom. But I will. I hope you do too.
I just can't wait for summer. I don't know what your plans are, but I sure hope they include me.
Waiting, almost patiently,