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Write Me In. Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

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Write Me In. Empty Write Me In.

Post by Everly Bardugo Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:00 pm

Hiya folks. Here's a list of the characters I'm currently using. Many of my current characters have apps that don't really apply anymore so I'm just gonna give some stats and info about folks and let you guys sort of have a think about 'em. Let me know if they fit into any of your gaps!


20. Ex-Ravenclaw. Addie is starting to fix her reputation as a reporter after a bad tip nearly got her fired. Her ex-husband, Kaiden, has made life difficult, but she she just wants to have a boring life with an average romance. But that's not looking very likely.
Needs: Friends, plz. She's good on romance and drama, so maybe she should help out with somebody else's drama as well.


16. Slytherin. Apollo is the elder Zabini twin, wants to go into the medical field after Hogwarts, and is currently in a relationship with Lily Luna Potter. His parents don't like it, of course, but he's tired of listening to what his family wants. The other students have heard rumors though they have no proof that he's seeing her. In general, people seem to assume the worst about him, but it's probably because he reacts really strongly to things. He doesn't really have people to turn to, especially now that he's hiding his interest in Lily. So it often comes off as him being terrible. Recently, he's started feeding into that, just to get people to leave him alone.
Needs: Umm. I don't have anything specific in mind, but he's open for nearly whatever if you'd like to suggest something!


23. Vampire - former Half-Vampire. Slytherin Graduate and Man Who Gives In To Guilt Trips From His Mother. He's essentially agreed to marry Fiona Grimm despite the age difference and their clear lack of interest in one another. We'll see how long that agreement lasts. He runs his father's Arithmancy business now that his father's dead, and also works as a Curse Breaker for the Ministry of Magic.
Needs: EVERYTHING! Have at him! Razz


28. Ex-Durmstrang student. Avery's husband, Robin, went missing and now has been proclaimed dead by her best friend and a couple of others who saw his body. Now, she's questioning her job at the Ministry involving Dragons, and is trying to expand her friendship circle.
Needs: Friends! Probably ones at the Ministry, or ones who play/often attend Quidditch matches, since Robin used to play for the Falcons.


16. Hufflepuff. Christian falls for people really quickly, and without knowing them as well as he should. But he is trying to help Ace Longbottom lead Potter's Army at Hogwarts and stay focused. It isn't going as well as he'd hoped. He's kind of in a relationship with Charlotte Waldorf, now.
Needs: Folks to invite into the PA, perhaps someone who either likes Christian or likes Apollo and wants to get to him through his twin. Whichever. Or neither! Whatever strikes your fancy!


19. Ex-Gryffindor (but a villain!). Dax works at Quality Quidditch Supplies and lives in the flat above it which used to belong to the Zabini twins before their falling out. He is extremely grim, has a desperate thirst for revenge, and is up for doing dangerous, illegal jobs for money.
Needs: Allies (he doesn't do "friends"), enemies, rivals, etc. Think of him as a future gang leader Wink


30, Ex-Gryffindor, Owner of the Leaky Cauldron. (Now) Officially dating Dom Weasley and best friends with Henry Tross. He recently found a little girl in trouble so he's trying to help her despite not knowing enough about her. He's also suffering the after-effects of magic that harmed him at Ilvermorny and is afraid for people to find out about it.
Needs: Friends - from work or school, perhaps. I would really love it if he had a rival back in school that's coming back to mess with him in some way. I don't have a whole lot down for his acquaintances/etc from his Hogwarts days, so that could be really fun!


23. Ex-Gryffindor. He pretends to be unemployed, but actually he's really well off, because he works what you might call "odd jobs." He's excellent at impersonating people if he's given a bit of time to learn about them and observe them. Throw in a promise of payment and some polyjuice potion, and he can find out or poke around in whatever you want.
Needs: Love interests, people who need items retrieved or information smuggled. Friends, probably, since he's quite ridiculous and probably fun to have at parties.


50. Ex-Gryffindor. Hermione, of course, is the Hermione that most of us know. Except, after Harry's disappearance and Ginny's death, she's not really as fiery. Her marriage to Ron was ironically saved by their mutual depression after losing their family members and she has worked a number of jobs. Head of the Department of Magical Creatures, employee of the Law Department, and now Head of the Department of International Wizarding Communications. She wants to make the world better, wants her son to be happy and her daughter to find more time for the family.
Needs: Ministry friends and drama. Anyone who might want to meet one of the war heroes. Whatever you fancy.


18. Ravenclaw Dropout. Kit hasn't been the same since her brother Luke miraculously saved her and came back into her life. Yes, there is a reason why she is suddenly cold, why she dropped out and moved away from her eldest brother Mes. There is always a reason. But hers is a secret, so if you want to find out you'll have to get involved with her in a plot. Just know that she's a bit of a dangerous wretch.
Needs: People who might be impressed by her sudden power and lack of emotion/willingness to jump into action against those she dislikes. The DEs might want to try and snap her up before she goes too rogue.


Ah, my boy. Kegs has recently turned 29, is an Ex-Slytherin, and is no longer missing. He has worked as a Transfiguration Professor, left to open a secret school for magical creatures once-banned from Hogwarts, came back to be Deputy Headmaster, had a post created for him at the Ministry (Secretary of Ministry Relations) but then took over his own department when the DWN was formed. He has seen all sorts of career paths, but now has been asked to return to Hogwarts as professor and Headmaster. He recently divorced his wife, has three children, and co-owns Flourish&Blotts.
Needs: Rofl. This kid. Ok. So, Keiran is my top bae (don't tell the others) and could use just about anything now. Maybe someone crushing on the new Headmaster over at Hoggies. Someone who needs his help to access Hogwarts since non-students can't just show up very easily. Someone looking for help from the man of many names and careers. Anything! I will just about always agree to a thread with him.


22. Ex-Gryffindor. Daughter of Merton Graves (the Cellist from the Weird Sisters), Mai has always been incredibly talkative as a means of compensating for her fear of being unimportant. Her mother has always been very tough on her, and now that her parents are divorced she tries to avoid them until she can no longer help it. She's a lawyer at the Ministry and did her best to help with the students trapped at Ilvermorny and those that went missing, but she's got a lot going on, so she didnt really do much.
Needs: Whatever you like, really. She's not engaged, despite kind of being with Theodore Rookwood, if someone wants to attempt to wiggle in and see how that goes (lol). She could seriously use some friends and whatever their drama is. Plz.


12. Second year Hufflepuff. Nicole is the illegitimate child of a werewolf, making her and her mother outcasts in her family. In truth, the Connolly family would accept Nicole if she wanted to be part of the family. But she's too loyal to her mother and too afraid of making waves to do anything about it, even if she were ever to meet Oliver or any of her family. She's a second year Hufflepuff and dreams of working with magical creatures or paranormal beings after graduating.
Needs: Friends. People for her to dislike and people to dislike her. Not necessarily rivals or enemies, though that could also work.


22, Ex-Hufflepuff, Secret Leader of the Order of the Phoenix. He's recently bought Flourish & Blotts with Keiran, as well, to make himself look like a normal citizen who doesn't want to get involved. He is a bit of a try-hard, and a perfectionist when he comes to his novels. Oliver also found out a while back that he is unable to have children, and isn't really over it. He's engaged, but has recently gone missing.
Needs: Well, that's iffy. He's gone, but would be willing to come out for certain people - like for an Order meeting or something. If anyone needs him, let me know! It's alright if he has to just stay quiet for a little, though.


26. Ex-Hufflepuff. Saf works at the Ministry as the secretary to Robert Lupin. But she's hiding a big secret: She's a werewolf, working with James's pack. She is meant to get intel on the folks at the Ministry, but the problem is that she likes them more than she ever expected to. Whoops.
Needs: EVERYTHING! Saf is a very confident girl, a bit of a flirt, but pretty careful about the information she gives out. Would love to see her end up best friends with someone who is kind of her opposite <3


21, Ex-Durmstrang. Simon used to play for Puddlemere United, but he was put in Azkaban for three years when there was a lot of evidence that he killed Tobias's daughter. (He didn't, though). There wasn't enough to keep him there, though, so now he's out in the world again. He's a massive loner because of everything, and has just had his memory messed up by Millie so even though he's out of Azkaban, he isn't quite right anymore.
Needs: Dramaaaa. People who hate him because they think he's a murderer. People who believe him and want to befriend/help him. All the stuff!

Last edited by Adrienne Reynolds on Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:34 am; edited 3 times in total
Everly Bardugo
Everly Bardugo
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Write Me In. Empty Re: Write Me In.

Post by Irina Aldon Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:47 pm

Can I offer all my characters? Embarassed Embarassed

Okay let's see

First Charlotte
I don't know what is about her and Christian now but if you want something new for them, just let me know. You know I'm open for everything with her

Irina is my new love and I can see you have some former Durmstrang students as well.
Maybe she and Avey can know each thers? Irina doesn't know many people here since she was at the University with Muggles. Maybe she found out Avery is here so asked her for help to get more involved in magic world?
Also Keiran looks like a lot of fun so if you want I would like to come up with some idea for thread

If you ever decide to involve Apollo with anything with DE, Aneta will be there to help, so for now I won't write anything about that

And for the end, I would like to see Beatris meeting her little sister if you're up for that

Okay I'll stop now, but if you want more, you can always look at my characters list Very Happy

Last edited by Irina Aldon on Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Irina Aldon
Irina Aldon
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Write Me In. Empty Re: Write Me In.

Post by Sloane Ahmadi-Berkowitz Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:57 pm

We do need our Sloane/Mai thread! I'll work up a draft of the will, and we'll keep anything else that's not nailed down vague for the thread.
Sloane Ahmadi-Berkowitz
Sloane Ahmadi-Berkowitz

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Write Me In. Empty Re: Write Me In.

Post by Nick Potter Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:16 am

I have Nick who just recently returned from the wizarding world in France. He's currently doing a study about the cultural differences of the magical communities across the world. He's been to France, Germany, America, Brazil, and Russia; with plans to go to multiple African, Asian, and Australian countries. I thought his project sounded like something Adrienne or even maybe Hermonie could find their way in to.

Next I have Madyson who I really haven't done much with. 16, sixth year Hufflepuff; she's quiet, reserved, and keeps to herself. I really want her to feud with someone, and I thought the best candidate from this list is that of Scarlett.

Let me know what you think!
Nick Potter
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Write Me In. Empty Re: Write Me In.

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Sun Jan 01, 2017 2:34 pm

I'm gonna go off of Selwyn's post first. I think we can have that now tbh, I originally had plans to have Kaiden confront his family but those kinda fell through, so I can just say it happened. Not a big deal.

Now, onto business.

So, I've had tons of things happening(like always -.-) but yeah.

I think the Selwyn, Kaiden, Addie thing pretty much speaks for plotting between Kaidie for now.

I think Dylan and Maude(?) were supposed to be a thing for plotting purposes? I'll get Dylan more involved once I can fricken reply to my thread with Khaat. -headdesk-

Maybe Hit/Apollo can patch up their friendship since they're both butts? Idk.

And Kit/Evan should have a thread. So Evan can scold her for dropping out and dive into whatever's going on with her.
Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
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Write Me In. Empty Re: Write Me In.

Post by Keiran Hayes Sun Jan 01, 2017 5:35 pm

Goodness me! I'll try to go in order.

Charlotte - He just went with Ace to a holiday thing at his parents' during Christmas break. Maybe he mentions it when they get back and work together in class? You can sort of look at how she'd feel about it. And if it doesn't work out with them, that's fine, too! We can still bring her into the PA if you want.
Irina - Keiran always, yes. XD He can be a bit grim after everything lately, but he'll be polite. And Avery, she was pretty quiet at Durmstrang because of family stuff, but Avery was always fairly good at her studies. She just feels like they didn't prepare her for her job because she's learning a lot of stuff now that she wishes they would've taught her. If Irina was particularly outgoing or noticed Avery or if she needed help with like CoMC or something similar, we could say she and Avery knew each other from something during school. Otherwise, she's at the Ministry lots so there's loads of options there.
Aneta - He'll be expected to join soon because of his family, but he doesn't want to. So basically, he'll pretend to take her help and then refuse to do something that gets him into trouble. But I don't know when that'll be necessary, so if you're at a point where you really need something for her, maybe we can say that Blaise is forcing him to join sooner than later now that they know about Lily. I don't know what you want her to do, but we can work it out.
Beatris - Nicole is going to be super hesitant, because her mother has told her all sorts of bad things about her family. But she's starting to enjoy the freedom that school gives her. Either Beatris would have to come up to the school for something and then run into her, or something similar in Diagon Alley during the holiday break. Otherwise she wouldn't run into her; Nicole isn't old enough to go on the Hogsmeade trips.

Sloane - Whenever! We've got lots to look at already so no rush!

Nick - Hermione definitely wouldn't, but Adrienne might be interested. She and Nick got along during their time at Hogwarts and while teaching and stuff, so could be they just meet to chat and he can tell her about it?
Madyson - Scarlett would definitely enjoy that. The only problem is that she's already an outsider so Scarlett would be most likely to do it on the DL, so everybody thinks she's nice but Madyson knows the truth and people may or may not believe her.

Selwyn/Kaiden - Let's go with Kaiden knows what Oliver did, and tries to explain it to her, but Selwyn is there as well for whatever reason you'd like to give, Sel.
Clair - Christian does the best at DADA and Charms, of the subjects, but he's not horrible Astronomy or History of Magic either. Since he's trying to branch out and bring people in, maybe we pick one and he's put up a notice about offering to tutor people.

Dylan - Maude, yeah. Because of Henry. We could continue that thread if you want? I don't know how long Dylan would keep it up if he's being harassed by Henry. Particularly if Maude finds out that Henry's upset, because she'll get weird about it. So that's up to you.
Hit - Apollo would be willing to do that. Nobody (except Christian and Ace and some grads) know that he's with Lily. They're going to sort of convince the people at their holiday get-together thing that Apollily broke up, so now he and Lily will be even better at hiding it. So he could actually use another friend to help distract him, even if Hit won't know why he wants to spend so much time with her.
Kit - We could do something over the holiday. Maybe like, post-Christmas, but before the New Year. She's not at all like she used to be, so the change might be a shock for him, which could be fun.
Keiran Hayes
Keiran Hayes
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Write Me In. Empty Re: Write Me In.

Post by Irina Aldon Sun Jan 01, 2017 5:43 pm

That can work. And of course I want her in Pa, that was the point of everything lol

For Aneta is fine, now she has her own drama with family, friends and love so there is no need to rush. She is just there for you to know you will always have one DE to ruin his life lol

For Beatris it could work. She can come to school to visit someone and if she heard that there is some Greyback girl she will definetly start looking for her

And for Keiran, for now I would like to start with that because you know how much I want to post as Irina as much as possible. Lol
Maybe I can look at his app and we can continue talking on pm?
Irina Aldon
Irina Aldon
Durmstrang Graduate
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Write Me In. Empty Re: Write Me In.

Post by Keiran Hayes Sun Jan 01, 2017 5:50 pm

Sure thing. Just make sure you're looking at the most recent one, since that's mostly updated. The only chance that hasn't been added is that he's had a divorce and is now Headmaster at Hogwarts.
Keiran Hayes
Keiran Hayes
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Write Me In. Empty Re: Write Me In.

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Sun Jan 01, 2017 6:02 pm

I'm pretty sure Kaiden's going to suck at explaining and get flustered lol

If Dyl gets harassed by Henry and Maude gets weird he'd probably just drop the entire thing. Considering no matter how much he tries he can't (or won't) forget about Nessa, I think he'd get fed up, say something about Nessa and storm out. I'm all for continuing the thread though.

I don't think Hit would mind any reasons Apollo had for wanting to be around her. She still likes him, remember? Not that she'd admit it, she's decided to basically close off her feelings from any and everyone. She'll be content with just fixing her friendship with Apollo.

Everything's a shock for Evan -sigh- I think he's too sheltered lmao, I'm up for anything with the two of them though. She can push him around and stuff if you want XD
Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
Sixth Year Gryffindor
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