"Well, your definition of a fool and my father's definition of it, I think, might be very different things," she said. "Trying something isn't necessarily foolish. However, repeating the same plan over and over and not adjusting it for improvements? Now, that, I'm sure, he'd consider foolish.
"International law," she said, thoughtfully. "Well, some of the top officials in law have had some time some sort of law enforcement, or in working to become an attorney. And, this might sound like its a crazy thought, but sometimes mentoring under someone who already works in international law helps you to learn the complex nature of international law as a whole and the need to learn to be able to consider every side of a touchy problem.
"I'd just be careful which monsters you decide to chase," Marcus said, knowing from experience how one assignment led to more and more danger unless one was headed in the direction he wanted to go. "It's a given that, if you're successful with catching a monster, you'll just be asked to catch bigger and bigger monsters. If you don't want to be pushed into being an auror, then perhaps the monsters you want to look for are the financial or program headaches that keep department heads awake all night. You can make yourself recognized by being a problem solver in whatever sort of work you want to do in the next few years to come."