"The car is fine," Khaat said. "I'm fine with you driving. You know your way around better than I do. She got in on the passenger side of the car. She liked the smell of the tropical air and had forgotten how nice it could be to simply be around sun and sand and the ocean again.
Part of her wished her father could get away too. He had been through so much with Thaor's curse, and all the trouble with Gideon Pierce, the destruction of the Ministry and now its rebuilding. She knew now wasn't the time for that, but it didnt mean she didn't feel his stress.
"Daddy would like this," she said quietly. "Not sure how he puts up with all he does. He's pretty resilient. More than I can be." The truth was that she had changed. Blood had taken away something from her that she didn't know if she'd get back.
She was content not to fight now. To stay home and raise her children. She was content, at times, to stay in her room, and she had gotten used to having gotten so used to having guards with her every place she went, that she didnt want to be without them anymore.
It hadn't been that long ago, maybe just a couple of years at best, when she had been the first to leap on an adventure. Now, she had just resisted going out even for a bathing suit. The thought of anyone seeing her was something that truly frightened her. She realized, as she went out with Jess, how reliant she had become in her guards helping her to stay unnoticed and covered. Now, Brian seemed to be pushing her out of her comfort zone with a huge shove.