Scarth.... scarth....that was all Lilian "Lily" D'Eath could hear no matter how much she tried drowning out the sounds. The scrathing of quills across the parchment was enough to drive her mad and it wasn't helping her headache at all. Lily thought this would be a perfect place to get away from the noises around her but apparently not. Llian "Lily D'Eath wasn't feeling like herself at all, to be honest she felt like a she feel hundred feet off a broomstick and landed face down on the ground. Lily guessed she was getting sick just like everyone else was around here, which wasn't good for Lily hated being sick. Worse the that, Lily hated feeling weak and useless for she was a very strong and independent girl.
Pushing her book away that was in front of her she laid her head down on the table and closed her eyes trying to drown the sounds out that was making her head pound. "Maybe I should just go some place else."Lily thought to herself with her eyes still closed. But no matter how much she wants to leave, her body wouldn't let her. "Oh just bloody freaking great!"Lily said to herself as the librarian shot a glare at her. Rolling her eyes at her librarian she laid her head back on the table. Her head felt like it was on fire and the slightest noise made her head feel worse.
Opening her eyes once again she set up but as she did she winced as she felt blood rush through her head. Lilian knew she had to go to the hospitail wing to get some help, but honestly she didn't want to go there for she hated it there. There was nothing but four walls to stare at while you stay in bed waiting to get helped on. Not to mention Lily hated hospital and not to mention needles. Yes, Lily may look strong, but there was alot of things about her that made her weak and needles and hospitails were one of them.