The girl blinked a few times, clearly surprised by what he had to say, but eventually, she let out a tiny giggle. "It's alright, like I said, I'm nowhere near perfect with it, maybe we could practice, sometime." She scrunched up her nose- she knew she shouldn't be offering things like that, but aside from being shy, she was also a little socially inept. Oh well, too late to take it back, now." Her eyes only glimmered all over again at his mention of animagus training, however, and she bounced a little, clearly excited. "I am too, actually! Isn't transfiguration magic just lovely?" The hands she'd previously been clasping down now came up to her chest, as if she was praying (but of course, she wasn't, she was just happy.)
A surprised expression formed on her features- Durmstrang. That would explain why his voice was... different. Her own voice was a little different too, being that she was from Ireland, not Britain. It wasn't nearly as impressive as Bulgaria. A little look passed through her eyes. It was clear she was thinking very deeply about something- only just a summer ago, she'd discovered some particularly startling details about her family. Durmstrang was part of those details. She chewed her lip a bit, but after a while, she lit up all over again. "I've heard wonderful things about Durmstrang's Quidditch program, is it as good as they say? I'm not very well versed in anything to do with sports though... I'm more..." She hesitated, thinking to herself, You're an egghead, Faith. You're an egghead. "I... just haven't ever really... known anything about it." That wasn't entirely true. She could tell you all about the history of Quidditch- she just didn't know how the game was actually played. In any case- it seemed she wasn't anywhere near bothered by his past attendance at Durmstrang.
His mention of potions, however, brought what was, to her, a very well-appreciated change in topic. "Potions!!" A very bright smile grew on her face, her features lightening considerably. "It's my favorite subject. I hope to maybe teach it someday. T-that's why I came here, I heard this place has some of the finest ingredients, and... and from what I c-can see, it's true!" The girl seemed very excited about it all. "You're so lucky to have an apprenticeship, it's s-so difficult to find them these days..."