Hi, Connor!
Folks on PA know me as Addie, after my first character, Adrienne. I won't embarrass myself by saying how many characters I have (too many, honestly. But I love them all, so it works out I suppose).
I definitely know how special a book can be due to those who give it to you or read it to you. Every summer my grandparents would buy the next book and we'd take turns reading it, even when I botched up most of the words because I didn't understand them. It's always great to have something you can remember that kickstarted your love of reading (or other things, really).
I can't wait to see your first character! We're a pretty friendly group of folks, and always looking to add new threads and people to our characters' lives. If any of my folks interest you, just let me know!
I can link you to my list of folks if you're interested - though it would be easier to chat about that over PM or in the Roleplay Request section.
Anyway, although the Mods and Admins undoubtedly know more about the site and its workings than I do, if I'm online when you need something, I'd be happy to help with whatever I can!