I hope you guys haven't gotten scared away by the delay in response
I had a long journey (literally) to complete. I'm fine now, with free time and a decent net connection, so plotting 'ere I come xD
RJ: Cupid over Rebecca, I think. The Christmas party needs livening up, and I think a not-really Puffer is just the person for the job xD
Lindsay/Addie: Uhhh....this is so hard! I wish I could take on all of them, but I really do owe a lot of replies to a lot of people at the mo' , so I have to restrain myself
The Slytherins it will have to be
Alisha would probably prod and poke at Dex and fake a highly tear-jerking, heart-touching seizure to get him to look up from his book xP Then commence into fighting a highly fired up argument about Quidditch terminology
I could so see her hitting on him for fun in the library...or maybe a class?
As for Nessa, this duo would probably be highly interesting. Alisha finds anyone widely differing from her to be highly fascinating, and I would say, with her travelling-around-everywhere background, she could potentially contribute a lot to Nessa's plot too, especially digging up her past. What say?
Mars: Dessa's in the party, right? Then Ali shall drop in there soon enough and take on the responsibility of 'taking Dessa under her wing and showing her the world' (by which she means cling on to Dessa like a limpet and be highly bouncy-slash-meddling.) Imagine if she actually set her up with someone. For fun. Oh, my eyes. *closes them due to highly hilarious images*