The campus had Healers and Aurors crawling all over it dealing with the mess that Thaor Elldir and James Blood had left in their wake. By the time Cael Ivanov had extricated himself from the Hospital Wing to receive the harried owl from his employer he was more or less a spare part to halt bleeding or administer useless pastes to gaping wounds. Much to his exasperation the others had taken over during a time of stress that they believed would be more harmful than intended on their co-worker’s psyche. Cael didn’t correct them, either, opting just to leave it and help where it was deemed appropriate in his own hospice. Resentful he was not, he told himself, but when the owl dived through a broken window he did not think twice about picking up his things and taking off for St. Mungo’s with an audible crack!
The situation at St. Mungo’s was even worse with most of those leaving Hogwarts having been transferred there via the emergency room and a mixture of the two professionals, Healers and Aurors, were dotting about offering their professional opinions where they weren’t due. Cael, letter clutched in hand, hurried through the hospital, grateful for the security access that his attachment to the facility allowed, and soon enough found himself in the room where the students and his employer had gathered along with his wife who was as detached from their world as Theodore’s chicken-scratch on, what had at first glance and at a second been confirmed as, the back of a Chinese menu from the inside of his jacket had expressed.
“Good Evening, Headmaster,” Cael piped up jovially, much to the obvious disdain of Theodore who had returned darkly to his post after sending the letter.
Cael moved to stand behind Sophia and peeked over her shoulder at Hallie before turning to assess Maura. Two pairs of hands, and perhaps a few more, were most definitely in order but Cael was unable to ascertain who the one was that was in worse shape. He’d been contacted by the Headmaster, however, so his sole concern had to be, and was, Hallie. While Cael had not spoken with the new missus Rookwood at any length he had a quiet appreciation for anyone who could make a Rookwood flinch and think about what he could lose by being, well, himself.
“Alright, stay calm,” Cael instructed, for the benefit of everyone in the room, not just Sophia. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and moved to the side of the room, grabbing for himself a pair of rubber gloves which he pulled over his hands quickly before taking up his wand.
“We have to work gently,” Cael looked up and frowned at the light overhead, reaching up quickly to bang at it which, much to his delight, set it to rights and the light began to glow consistently for them. “Carefully,” he continued. “And slowly.”
There was, after all, nothing worse than a rushed job and while he knew time was of the essence he also knew that they weren’t going to do any good to either of the girls if it was a rushed, bum job.
“Maura is surely the worst affected of the two? Have mother and baby been checked for vital signs etcetera?” Cael could feel Theodore’s hard eyes on him but did not move to meet the other man’s gaze. Sufficing instead, Cael sent a pain relief spell in Maura’s direction, hoping that it would leave them some time if pain management was controlled.
The second spell was the same as the last but directed at Hallie. Useful though her unconsciousness was he knew that whatever they did they would only aggravate her body so it was useless her being in pain as well - it would only take longer for things to be set in motion. From there he turned to the ribs, feeling for the ones that had been ruptured before casting the appropriate spells and conjuring some bandages for them. First, however, he cleaned the areas he’d healed over, looking carefully for burns before gesturing for Sophia to apply some of the salve.
“Just think, in a couple of weeks these will look a million times better,” he grinned, ever the optimist. “Right, over here,” he pointed with his wand to an area he quickly cleaned at her shoulder. “A big dollop on there. Are there any other unobtrusive injuries?” He inquired, looking between Sophia and Theodore.
Merlin’s beard, he thought to himself. This whole world is like a warzone.