"But you know him?" Percy asked, to clarify. "You two are very... hostile." He added cautiously, not wanting to set her off. Adrienne was sweet ninety percent of the time, but when something seriously made her angry, nobody wanted to add to that.
Percy had never met the guy sitting behind him and Adrienne, though the Slytherin seemed nice enough. So when Addie offered to sit with him, Percy knew two things. Firstly, that they were friends. Secondly, that she was doing that thing where she focused on anyone but herself when she was angry or hurt. He'd known her long enough to see that. Still, he couldn't help but be a bit disappointed that she would be moving once he got invested in a movie.
Percy wasn't exactly vengeful, but he had the fleeting idea to not watch movies at all and keep her talking. Adrienne would see that coming from a mile away, though. Not that he was jealous or anything.
Leaning across the aisle to talk to Zane, he nodded to the girl between them - Damitrius was her name? He thought so - before getting Zane's attention. "Mate, you've got a lot of explaining to do, you know." He frowned, gesturing to Addie.