"You do take things entirely too seriously," Brian told Brant. "Its just training. Not a death sentence.
"Thank you, Jess," Khaat said. "I just honeslty didn't ask. I do need to learn to deal with this, just as it is."
"When you get to that point, yes," Robert said. "When you come anywhere close to it, I'll let you know. Where is your sling, anyway?"
"It doesn't go with the dress," she said. He rolled his eyes, highly annoyed.
"And you are the director of the hospital?" he scowled, "Really?" HE accio'd the sling she'd grown to hate.
"Robert," Kate soothed. "Give it here." She took her wand and flicked it at the sling, changing it to a tasteful white brocade.
"Brocade?" Robert said. "Are you women so vain?"
"Shut it," Kate told him firmly. "I wouldn't wear that ugly thing like that either. Its not costing anything, so leave it alone." She helped Khaat with it. "Try that, Dear. Better?"
"Surprisingly," Brian said,"Its very nice. When you get your summer tan, it will look very sharp, actually."
"Its okay?" she asked.
"Yes," he said. "Now eat. Belby, are you going to St. Mungo's with her?"
"Of course," Marcus said. "Where else would I be?"