"Its not my decision," Robert said. "The reason she has that portrait and not me is because of her bond with him. If there was ever one person who understood not only her temper but also understood what it was like to suffer sometimes intense physical pain, it was Remus. There were a lot of times that his own lycanthropy resulted in some pretty serious battle scars. The portrait is enough like him that I think the Remus in the portrait understands what she's dealing with."
"I doubt that Remus, even a portrait," Kate said, "was truly pushing her to her limits. More likely, he was allowing her to be angry and allowing the depression that we all know she's feeling. He certainly knew what that was for himself."
"Definitely," Robert said. "But Brian has a point. At some point, she does need some time to be truly alone and to work through it."
"If nothing more than to just rest," Brian said. "If she'll give him up. Even for one night."
"Yeah, well, good luck with that," Robert laughed. "Brian, you have a much better chance of getting her to agree with that than I do. She'll listen to you better than she would listen to me on that."
"I'll try to talk to her later this afternoon," Brian said.