"Jack likes any food that isn't nailed down," Michael teased.
"Well, I might have some old cookies in the kitchen," Angus said, intending to surprise Abbey.
"Some of the stale ones you made before we left 2 weeks ago, I presume," Robert said, pretending to be a bit annoyed.
"Well, within a few days of that, I think," Angus said.
"Yuck," Dakota scowled. "Bad."
"You don't want any?" Angus asked.
"No," she said, crossing her arms, defiant.
"Well, I'll see if I can't find you a carrot or something, then," he said, still pretending to be serious.
"I'll help you clear the table," Michael said. The two of them cleared the table quickly and cast a spell for the kitchen to clean itself. In the kitchen out of eyesight, Michael drew his wand and enchanted the cake so that it twirled and played music and so that it had tiny, sparkling lights. Angus floated the cake through the air. With Michael's help, Angus thought it was the best cake he'd ever done.
It was a lovely three dimensional pink carousel with white and purple flowers and light pink and lavender trim. The carousel spun, displaying white kitties instead of horses. The kitties were made of beautifully decorated sugar cookies and they went up and down, just like a real carousel, as the lights twinkled and the carousel music played.
Abbey's eyes grew wide with excitement and delight, and the other kids were just as delighted. Khaat had never seen a cake that lovely in her entire life. Brian never imagined being so pleased by a pink cake with kitties, but he was truly proud to be able to have the means to provide such wonderful things for his family.
"Spectacular, Angus," Kate said, "Don't cut it until we get some pictures. That's just too lovely not to have lots of pictures of."
"No cut!" Abbey said, "I keep it! Mine!"