Toby runs downstairs, and in his panic-induced adrenalin accidentally kills one of the were's that used to be his best friend. Upon taking Hallie to St. Mungos, Toby is informed that his sister has received terrible brain damage and will certainly die within the year. Angry and distraught, Toby goes out and gets drunk. He dies of alcohol poisoning seven hours later. Hallie makes a miraculous recovery, and spends the rest of her days hunting down the wolves that stole her brother from her two too many times.
Wow, that was morbid. How about I throw some rainbows and smiles and unicorns in there?
Take two: Toby runs downstairs, and in his panic-induced adrenalin accidentally kills one of the rainbows that used to be his best friend. Upon taking Hallie to St. Mungos, Toby is informed that his sister has received happy things and will certainly be a unicorn within the year. Smiling, Toby goes out and gets drunk on rainbows and sunshine. He sings about unicorn poisoning seven hours later. Hallie makes a miraculous recovery, and spends the rest of her days hunting the unicorns that smiled at her brother from her rainbow.
There, now isn't that so happy it's almost sickening?