Hey everyone.
First I'd like to thank everyone for the massive response I've had in regards to leading the various factions. You both renewed my faith in the site, and ruined my day when I had to make the decisions - kudos to you all
Which brings me to my next point.
Obviously some people are going to be left out here. I've tried my best to cater for everyone who's applied for various positions, and I think that I've come up with a good mix of people, from all walks of PA, rather than the usual group that I have, in the past, turned to. Some people on this list I'm curious to see in a leadership position, and I would encourage all successful applicants to look at themselves and see how they can best fill the position. Poor grammar/spelling doesn't look as good when coming from a senior rank, so everyone should be careful of that. Metagaming, and godmoding are tempting as all hell when someone wont reply to the meetings in the way you want them to, but of course the urge must be kept in check. But rest assured. If I didn't think you were capable of filling the job, I wouldn't have picked you.
And so, without further ado, I'll let you know who got what.
Death EatersLorcan D'Eath (Khaat) is going to retain the position on a purely technical level. Plans are already underway for Katrina-Carlotta Du Hunt to take the reigns, they've just decided to play out the power transfer IC, rather than have me pull the strings administratively. So, congratulations to Katrina on the new position (for she was the successful applicant) and best of luck to her. It's nice to see a newer member stepping up
Order of the PhoenixJackles is stepping up after her years in the Order to take the top job there. I chose Jack because when she applied she sent me a chunk of plans that she had in place for if she became leader. They're good, believe me. It's also a proven move, as she used to head PA with considerable success.
Dark FollowersCecilia's character Oliver Krum will be stepping up as the leader of the Dark Followers. I believe this will be the first senior position Cecilia's had after many a year on the site. Congratulations to her, it's a big move. In order to help her (if it's needed) I've also appointed Hitame's character Damitrius D'Eath as vice-leader of the Dark Followers, as I know from firsthand experience how good it can be to have a second voice to plan the faction's goings on. Congratulations to you both.
Potter's ArmyAmelia Macmillan will be taking over PA's leadership in, again, what I think will be her first leadership role? Forgive me if I'm wrong, you all know how unobservant I can be
Anyway, not a new member, but one of the newer ones, congratulations to Jas on her new position. As with the Dark Followers I've also decided to appoint a 2IC, because it's a good idea for new leaders to share the load a little amongst themselves, and so one of our older members, Nick Potter, will be taking up a deputy leader position within PA. Congratulations to you both.
RebelsI'm not entirely savvy with the plot's progress right now, but this choice in leadership makes a lot of sense to me, based on the topics and plotting I have seen go into backing it. It's my pleasure to announce Albus Potter will be taking the reigns of the rebel movement. More firsts for him, I believe, but I can assure you all that there's sooo much planning going on up there, that it should turn out great fun.
And that's it. Thanks to everyone who applied, and I'll be updating the groups very shortly. I appreciate everyone's cooperation in following the planning and leadership of the new heads. Best of luck to all of them, sorry to those who missed out (truly
) and I hope that you all enjoy playing in (hopefully) newly active factions!
Best wishes to all,