[i have no clue what he's talking about either. lol]
Smiling as Darren said he trusted her, she was glad to hear it as she knew she didn't earn it all of the time. Saving it? Raising her eyebrows at those two words, she decided not to say anything to it, she wasn't going to be nosy. Not now, anyways. Seeing Mari leave, Ginevra laughed lightly. She knew Mari had been one of the ones who had glanced over at them, it was only a matter of time at to where she would have gotten annoyed anyways. Shooting a sharp look at Darren, she hated when he was rude to her other friends, the ones he wasn't so fond of but it never changed anything, Darren would always be Darren. Though, in some ways, she was more then glad of that point. "Just some things, Charlie. I had a hard time telling Darren some things, that would mean it would be near impossible to ever say to you." Frowning, she felt bad but with her fact of not liking to tell her life story mixed in with her inability to tell whoever she wanted, she just couldn't and hoped he would understand.