"You'll get angry at me if I tell you." she replied, shaking her head. Why was she reconsidering? What was he doing to even make her think about it again. The answer to that was nothing, he was really just getting mad at her, which was probably it as she didn't like it. When they were just joking around in a way that was sort of like arguing she could really care less, as it was amusing, but not now. "I'll block you." she said, shrugging her shoulders as she had been practicing. She hated it when people entered her mind. The thoughts she was thinking were for her, not others. Watching him turn, she waited though she just wanted to hear him say it while looking at her and not looking away, she didn't care if he actually did. This was Ginevra, come on, did he actually think she'd let him go after trying this hard, willingly? Pft, yeah right. "You might not want to, but you will."