When Darien laid on the bed Lucifer put his arm around Darien's shoulders, scooting closer. He was glad Darien decided to stay. It's been a while since he could just relax with someone like this.
He looked at Darien. "Well, of course I can love someone. I just tend to hate people more often. I mean, I love my mother, my sister, and my brothers. I loved my ex-girlfriend. What a b*tch." He thought of Annabelle, his ex-girlfriend from Hogwarts. She'd left him after they both joined the Death Eaters. She had said she'd found someone better, stronger. Lucifer thought she was the reason he liked guys a lot better, they seem to know what hurts and what doesn't. "Let see, I hate my dad and his muggle b*tch."
Thinking about his dad made him angry. He took deep breaths, pulled his arm away from Darien and got off the bed. He turned his back to Darien, completely forgetting his rule of not letting his back show to anyone, and pulled his wand out of his pants pocket. He shot out a confringo at his desk in the corner of his room. "God! I'm sorry. I'm just so, UH!" He threw an aguamenti at the flames and sat on the side of the bed. His back to Darien, his shoulders slumped.