Having been pleasantly surprised by his successful distraction tactic, for luck did not frequently accompany him on such occurrences, the smile that had stretched lazily across Nemo’s stubble-peppered face could not have been prevented. Though he would not have attempted to extinguish the expression anyhow, as he had grown to prefer that familiar symptom of amusement over that which often darkened his eyes in the absence of alcohol and good company. “I’ll have you know: heavy blame could be placed on you for that dementia,” He informed The Savior, all solemnity absent from his words – if his words had ever truly possessed solemnity. He gestured towards the bottles which he intended to finish that evening, and flicked an eyebrow upward as a method of elaborating.
He paused, eyes squinted in feigned confusion – before he leaned nearer to Jack and spoke in hushed tones, “How do you know about that? Cousin James told me that, once we’d eloped, no one would ever know.” But Nemo’s mask, which had once suited his words, fell before he’d punctuated his sentence, and was replaced eagerly by one of twinkling amusement.
“Poe?” His laughter had overwhelmed him with his introduction to his new nickname, and Nemo found himself doubling over until his forehead had been planted firmly against the bar, “Oh, I like that one,” he huffed, breathing labored.
He turned his head upon a stretched neck in order to meet Jack’s eyes from where he lay, “If you win, it’ll be because I let you in order to have more to drink. The rules are simple: begin with the statement ‘Never have I ever…’ and finish it off with something that you’ve never done. If one of us has done whatever the hell it is that you chose for your turn, that person takes a proper drink and puts one of their fingers up. But, to make things more interesting, I would like to propose a twist,” Nemo lifted his head from the bar and faced The Savior once more, “If you say something that hasn’t been done by either of us, then you take a drink; that way neither of us will be tempted to use pointless activities like, say, ‘Never have I ever painted an elephant blue’.”
He produced his wand from his pocket with the fluency of a Wand Juggler, and drummed it against the first bottle’s seal, popping it open. "The first person to put up all ten fingers loses, and we play best two out of three. Let the games begin!