WARNING: What you may see may be inapprotiate for juviniles. Readers discreation in advised.
Prolouge: The TreeName: ???
Location: ???
Time: ???
Date: ???
He halted. The professor stopped and told his apprentice to halt. He did as he was told and the aged proffesor looked left and right when there were corners. They already found strange giant spiders so he was trying to be careful. They walked slowly, M1911's in their hands. They kept checking the ceiling with a flashlight and was panting very heavy and fast. His speed got up with his heart rate and ran down the cave, his apprentice behind him. He stopped at antoehr corner and checked. It was a dead end. He shone his flashlight on the dead end and what he said awstruck him. It was a giant marble door with burnt out torches and full of cobwebs....giant cobwebs. He knew he wanted to investigate but for the sake of his and his apprentice life they had to go the other way. The proffesor actually feared for his life now. They had been travling for hours and had no map that led the way out. They went in the other direction and carefully sprinted down it. They both halted at the same time when they saw a huge greenish glow coming from the other side! Despite their prvouis encounters down the tunnel they advanced even further. They sloowly checked the corner. What the professor saw made him tear up right the spot. It was a giant tree. At least 50 feet high, branches everyone, and the leafs were glowing. It was life staring into the face of Heaven. He trogded closer to it and felt the bark. It was moist. He then started to cry but silently. They found a way out. The proffessor fell to his knees and seemed to pray to it. There was a click. The proffesor's happiness faded from his face instantly leaving only pain and paleness. He turned his head. His apprentice had turned on him. He held the gun in between the professors eyes. "You son of a bitch. Why are you doing this?" The old professor croaked. "Because the tree is mine," said his apprentice. There was a sound of evil in his voice. He saw his apprentices arm tighten and heard the gunshot. Then Henry Jacobson never saw life again.
Chapter 1: The Prolouge to a TaleName: ADRENN THOMPSON
Time: 5:30 PM
Date: SEPTEMBER 20th 2004
Hi. You may not know me but my name is Adrenn Thompson. Rcently I found out that I was a desendent of an ancient family of wizards that I never knew about. You see my current mom and dad are my adopted parents. My real ones died back in New York City. We were mugged 5 years ago. When I was 6. It was a terrible night. But I'm not gonna get to into right now since I got a story to tell you and I should get back to it. So I got this letter about a week ago and well now I got to go to this school. It all about wizards and witches and stuff which I really didn't get at first. I left my home in New York to go to school here in London England. Well I should probally conitinue the story now.
Adrenn awake with a start and looked around. He was by the wall on Kings Cross station. He must've fallen asleep since he stayed up all night during his flight. He got up and streched. He quickly scanned his surroundings and saw alot of wizards and witches here. There was only about 2 the last time he had fallen asleep. He checked his watch. He slept for 5 hours! The train was leaving in 10 minutes! He quickly ran and grabbed his things he bought from Diagon Alley. He advanced towards the train but slowed down. He just got a Deja Vu moment...
Adrenn snapped out of it and advanced towards the train. He wasn't watching where he was going though and he colldied with another wizard. H fell onto his back and one of his suitcases colidded on him. e grunted with pain and threw it off. His vision was blurry after that smack. "...okay?" said a wizard but it was barely head since Adrenn was disoriented. After a second it faded away and got up. "You okay dude?" said the boy. "Yeah...thanks...who are you?" Adrenn asked. "Andrian. Andrian Potter." said Andrian. "Nice to meet you" said Adrenn but felt woozy though. "You don't look too good lets get you on the train."
[Coming soon...
Chapter 2: Temptations]
[Hey guys I know this was like my 5th attempt at a story but really I get bored and well I had time. Just so you know The M1911 is like 9 milimeter pistol only better.
. Just trying to help you guys out so if you don't understand. And if you want to be in the story just send me a PM.]