Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..
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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Li9olo10

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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Empty Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

Post by Tarran Price Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:40 pm

Tarran had, not once in his life, been happy to see snow.

The progress to winter had been lethargic and even somewhat pensive. When the activity had begun to slow and the students deepened into their work, Tarran, ever the comedian, was left to his own devices. He tried to bury himself in his work, too, but the attempts proved futile and only served to make him more restless. He had a lot of free time on his hands. The boy considered joining the Quidditch team, but he had dismissed the idea the moment he passed the Quidditch pitch. He did not have time all to play at all during his Seventh Year, and he had failed that year anyway. He did not feel like failing twice.

Heh. He would throw himself out of an open window if that happened. Being as popular as he was, it was a shock to everyone. Some had disassociated themselves with him. Others, his truest friends, supported him and reasoned he had done his best, which was true.

Well, he was an adult among children. It hardly felt that way, though. He had been identifying with people of various ages since he was twelve. There was no use feeling inferior just because he was a year older than most of the Seventh Years. (He'd be damned if he ever felt inferior to anyone!)

God, these thoughts depressed him. What the hell was it about winter that makes you so cynical, you'd want to throw yourself off a cliff?

Tarran paused. Something had changed. Oh hell, he was cold! He was sure his heating charm had worked. He supposed he must have done something to negate it. Shit. Now he had to reach for his wand ..

Huh? Where did it go?

Tarran turned, and at first he thought he was gazing at the aforementioned wand, hovering in midair. Then, he thought there was some kind of short angel brandishing the wand. Finally, his mental analysis concluded that this was Sabriel, a Fourth Year that had no business out in the freezing cold, stalking him, and holding his wand for that matter.

"Thanks, little guy," he told him. He eyed him with concern and confusion. Sabriel was a sweet kid. He had hair so shiny and such a pale blonde you would wonder what color it was at all. His eyes were gray but bright. His skin was a translucent white that often blushed carmine with fever. Tarran had come a long ways out, almost by the Forbidden Forest. How long had this boy been out here?

"You're name is Sabe, right?" he asked.

The boy seemed startled. He quickly deposited the wand in Tarran's hand. "You, you dropped this," he told him mutely. His voice was almost fully carried away by the wind.
Tarran Price
Tarran Price

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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Empty Re: Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

Post by Sabriel Gardinier Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:55 pm

Sabriel had felt unbearably hot, so he had hoped the winter air would help him feel better.

I did. He supposed his nerves were getting to him; this day was only a few days after his test with Tremaine, and Sabe was as apprehensive as he was excited. But the changing weather affected him, and he felt his health wavering more than ever. He had pinned his long, blondish hair up and seized his pure white winter robe from the closets. It was brand new. His grandmother had bought it for him for Thanksgiving. It was all quite redundant really; he got a new one each year. The rest he gave to his friend Daujee, who was more than eager to take them.

Now he found himself outside, clutching the folds of the robe and trying his hardest not to sink into delirium. He had somehow wandered far. He could have sworn he had been by the lake, but now he was a good thirty meters away, closer to the Quidditch Pitch.

Sabriel spied a familiar silhouette and latched onto it. This person ambled along, walking with a gait that exuded confidence. His stature was alarmingly muscular, and Sabriel found himself glancing at his wimpy limbs in shame. So profuse was his embarrassment that he lost sight of the boy for a second. In his wake, he had left an ebony wand. Sabriel seized it, not wanted it to get buried by snow, but then realized he did not know what to do with it.

He could give it back to the boy, he supposed, but that meant actually having to talk to him. Sabriel's shyness was forever an offending factor. The boy was several years older than him, no doubt a Seventh Year at least.

He did not make the choice. The boy turned around, and caught him. He stared at him for a good minute. Sabriel suddenly realized who it was. In his fever, it took him a second to make out the very familiar face of Tarran, his best friend's brother. The Seventh Year had failed his grade twice, but that was only a subcategory of the things he's accomplished. He was very nice to him.

"You're name is Sabe, right?"

Sabriel's eyes widened. So he did not remember him? Resigned, he extended out his hands, the wand cradled in between both his thumbs.

"Here," he whispered. "You, you dropped this."
Sabriel Gardinier
Sabriel Gardinier

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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Empty Re: Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:05 pm

Andrew sat in the grounds one day, reading some books he had taken from the library. Well, not taken, but rather rented, much to the librarians amazement. Andrew, ever since he first arrived at Hogwarts, had never rented a book nor ever sat in the library to read. He hated reading since he was a little boy, but this year had been different. Years before, he had been too concerned with making friends and staying popular. He had been the Quidditch Captain and even the leader of the (somewhat) secret group known as Potter's Army.

But he had lost it all in a matter of a few months.

A girl had ruined his life. Lost his position as Captain, leader of P.A., and among other things. He also lost respect for himself. Yet he was working hard to try and win that back. Which all led to Andrew sitting in the dense cold, reading a book to himself. He hadn't worn much, especially for a winter environment. A white hoody with the hood up, wool gloves, jeans, and Convers. He ignored the cold, despite his body yearning for him to go into the heat. He didn't care.

He just needed to learn about these magical creatures, some of the fabled ones he had killed himself during his travels. Oh god, that's what he needed. He needed to find the Nessie again, with Jack...and Chase. Yet he figured that would never happen again, they had both graduated and left him. He was alone in the school now, perfectly content with staying in the shadows.

Andrew had finished his book on trolls and gently sat it down next to him, then reached to his left for another book on dragons. He had already read it, but he was taking notes to help benefit him in the future. He wanted to hunt another one, perhaps for the large bone structure that could be made into some other equipment he would need. Yet first he needed to locate their breeding grounds, flight paths, etc.

Yet something interupped his silence. He looked up, just enough so he could see them through his peripheral vision and they couldn't see his spying. A kid had found another guys wand. How nice of him. He had been glad there was still some decency in this school. Andrew looked back down and continued his notes.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Empty Re: Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

Post by Tarran Price Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:43 pm

Tarran laughed disarmingly. He accepted the wand, but not without a friendly ruffle of the other boy's impeccable blonde hair. Sabriel looked at him, expression somewhat bewildered but petulant, and he laughed again. It was cute.

Tarran turned his attention to his surroundings. He had done his fair share of wandering. Hell, he spent half of the summer ambling aimlessly through the London slums, but Sabriel did not seem to be the type to do something like that unprovoked. The kid shivered, not much from the cold, but something else. His cheeks were a little red.

"Hey," said Tarran, attempting to regain the boy's attention. Sabriel's eyes had wandered to his left, fixing on a figure nearby. "Are you sick again?"
Tarran Price
Tarran Price

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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Empty Re: Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

Post by Sabriel Gardinier Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:57 pm

Sabriel winced, a little taken aback by the other boy's perceptiveness. Then again, stumbling around in the snow with a face as red as holly berries could allude to fever. Tarran would also know he had a history of inexplicable bouts of nausea and sickness.

"Um," he started, but Tarran, of course, already knew.

With a sigh, the Gyffindor clapped Sabriel on the shoulder. "You know, Sabe, when you're sick, it's never a good idea to go wandering around in the snow. I might sound like a hypocrite, but at least I could walk in a straight line before I had a mind to do this shit." At this, Sabriel blushed even more. "A few minutes ago, you were staring at something. Don't tell me you were hallucinating."

Sabe refocused his attention on the other boy he had seen in the snow. He had on a white hoodie, so there was no surprise that Tarran, whose eyes were not as sharp as his, did not catch the boy. The way he was slumped over, trying his hardest to focus on something, was painfully present. His books were laid out in the snow, but Sabriel suspected they were charmed to be waterproof anyway. But his attention primarily focused on the hoodie. The boy must have been cold ..

Tarran had followed his gaze. "Do you know him?"

Sabriel shook his head. He was never one for words. His concern was just slight; he did not know the boy and did not feel it was his place to bother him. He might be seen more of as a nuisance than anything.

Tarran spoke for him, obviously in the mood for socializing. "Hey, kid!" he quickly crossed the expanse of white littering the ground, Sabriel slowly moving to follow him.

Tarran had paused for a moment. Obviously, similar thoughts were going through his mind. "Aye, you're not cold?"
Sabriel Gardinier
Sabriel Gardinier

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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Empty Re: Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:13 am

Crap. He was found out. Well at least Andrew was learning on how to be inconspicuous though. He looked up from his books, his face straight and a small scar beneath his right eye. "Nope," he announced, making sure they could hear him, "I've dealt with worse." Now Andrew could feel the symptoms of winter rushing through him. He had been concentrated, so he hadn't noticed it at first, but now he could feel his hands beginning to chill as well as legs. Oh well, he could fight the weather. Besides, he wondered why they had stopped him now.

Andrew looked back down at his book, not taking any more notice of them, hoping that they would perhaps walk away. Andrew looked at the piece of parchment that was on the book, a quill in his hand. He had been scaling out a dragon, noting several weak spots and flaws about their structure. He had done the same with other creatures as well, taking his time to clarify and cite his work. He scribbled something down at the bottom.

Ukrainian Ironbelly: Extremely dangerous, proceed with caution.

He also noted several characteristics of the dragon, making sure that they were precise to the book.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Empty Re: Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

Post by Tarran Price Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:31 am

Tarran collapsed in the snow nearby with a sigh. The sudden movement threatened to dislodge the wool hat fixed on his head. Distantly, he noticed the snowflakes had ceased to fall, but the gusts of wind were still frequent.

"Well, even so," he told the other boy. "A warming charm comes in handy. It's temporary, but handy all the same." Privately, he had to wonder what 'worse' was. He decided to ask. "But aye, what else happened to? You braved a blizzard? Got locked in a freezer?"

He stole a glimpse of the book the kid was reading. Dragons. A particularly fearsome one adorned the page he had refocused on. Well, he did not want to run into one of those! But hey, if he did, it would certainly be quite the battle.

The kid extracted a quill. Tarran couldn't help a goofy grin. The librarian would hate that. But no, he was just marking out his findings on a piece of parchment. Tarran absorbed all this in a matter of seconds. He was never the type to stare. But there they were, the three of them, outside in the cold. Hah, already the had something in common!

Tarran shifted to lay on his side, ignoring how the snow frosted in his jacket. Hell, boredom was certainly taking its toll. Sabriel was still standing. He caught the uneasy glint in Sabe's eyes. "Aye," he called. "You good?"
Tarran Price
Tarran Price

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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Empty Re: Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

Post by Sabriel Gardinier Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:40 am

To Sabriel, it was painfully obvious the boy wanted to be left alone. He regretted drawing attention to him in the first place; it was also obvious Tarran had been bored. He had seen a potential friend in the kid, and went for it. Now he was happily speaking to the other boy.

Although he was the only one standing, Sabriel did not feel compelled to sit. In fact, had he not run into Tarran, he would have already been on his way back to Hogwarts. Or perhaps still kneeling in the snow. It was hard to determine what his course of action would have been; his mind was often hectic and full of indecisiveness.

"Aye," Tarran said. Sabriel realized the call was meant for him. 'You good?"

Sabriel was once again astonished by Tarran's keenness. He nodded hastily. "Fine."

Sabriel glanced down and recognized the other boy's Gryffindor crest. Ah, Tarran probably recognized him. Somehow, though, he doubted the two ever exchanged words before today. Tarran was very open and this boy appeared a little quiet, if not just antisocial for the moment.

Last edited by Sabriel Gardinier on Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:37 am; edited 1 time in total
Sabriel Gardinier
Sabriel Gardinier

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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Empty Re: Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:49 am

Andrew continued to make his constant notes, looking at the pictures within the book that detailed certain body parts. He would need to get a job as a Dragon Slayer or something, he found it quite fun, yet emotional when he killed his first one. How had they accomplished that feat anyway? It had been a long time ago, and he had almost forgot. Now he heard the other mans voice and felt a ping of irritation. They hadn't left. He looked back up towards the man that had spoke, noticing the boy had sat down near as well.

"I'd rather wait in the cold and hopefully build an immunity," he said, thinking about it scientifically "the Russians had quite the resistance to it, and I feel as if I need to have that as well. Depending on how human anatomy works, that is." When the boy had asked what had been worse, Andrew paused. He wondered what had been the worst. "Well I had been sent into a frozen lake before looking for a giant serpent," he began "and eventually almost came down with hypothermia when the creature had me trapped underneath the surface."

Andrew now returned to his book, having a feeling that he was being watched. He hated that. Yet he continued, moving onto the next section about history of dragons and yadda yadda. He wanted to learn the anatomy, not who the first dragon king was.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said .. Empty Re: Hogwarts: The Grounds ~ And He Said ..

Post by Tarran Price Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:00 am

Tarran whistled. "All that huh? You certainly have quite a life. And to think I've spent half of mine in school just to be able do that." He turned on his back, as if to commence forming a snow angel, but kept his arms and legs still to stare at the sky. "By the way, my name is Tarran, troublemaker and Quidditch extraordinaire. The pretty boy over there is my buddy, Sabriel."

Sabriel blinked quizzically at his introduction, but said nothing, as usual. He was holding his arm rather reproachfully. Tarran took note that the color on his face had faded somewhat, but now his gaze was a little unfocused. "Sabe," he berated, his voice getting a notch lower. Wordless implication: 'Go to the damn hospital wing.'

In response, the boy shot him a look that said 'Hell no' in the politest way possible. But opened his mouth to speak not a moment later, voice laced with uncertainty, "Um, let's go to the pitch .."

Tarran raised a brow at first, but swiftly recalled both his and Sabriel's mutual love for Quidditch. Still, the pitch would be deserted right now, so what was the kid's point in going?

He got to his feet. "Whatever you say. Hey kid, can we get your name before we go?"

Tarran Price
Tarran Price

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