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Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

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What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Never Enough Socks

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Never Enough Socks - Page 2 Empty Re: Never Enough Socks

Post by Robert Lupin Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:13 pm

"Yes, I would like you very much to hire a security force," Robert said. "Consider yourself hired. There is an office on the fifth floor, right across the hall from Khaat's that will be yours. Khaat's is the last one on the right. Mine is right next to hers. You'll share our secretary. Her name is Hannah, and she's amazingly efficient. She'll help you get oriented. Feel free to decorate the office any way you like. I hate to be to be pushy, but I really am a bit desperate for someone I trust. Tell me--how soon can you start? I want to be sure I can be there to help you get oriented. Khaat and I have thoroughly remodeled and redecorated St. Mungos to bring that up to be a state of the arts facility. And we'll have to show you the things that no one else knows but Khaat and I. There are some of those things too."

A server came to the table with tea and with their breakfast orders. She set the orders on the table and then excused herself.

"Oh good, I"m hungry," Robert said. "I had an emergency surgery this morning. I've been up since about 3. Some young wizarding student thought he would go into muggle London and apparently didn't understand he needed to move out of the way of a muggle taxi. I spent a couple of hours setting multiple fractures in his leg. I think he'll be starting the school year in a huge cast and on crutches. That castle will be a dickens to navigate on crutches."

Never Enough Socks - Page 2 Pbucket
Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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Never Enough Socks - Page 2 Empty Re: Never Enough Socks

Post by Jemma Tiquelle Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:30 pm

Jemma thought a security force was a good idea. She couldn't hold up everything by herself if there was a massive attack, and besides, it was always better to be safe than sorry, she always thought, despite being able to see aspects of the future.

"Yes, I'll hire a security force." she nodded. "Fifth floor, opposite to Khaat's office. Got it. And Hannah is your shared secretary that I can use if need be." she repeated, not wanting to forget a thing. "I can start whenever you need me, I don't exactly have anything else to do at the moment." she answered Robert, though feeling bad that she had not job at the moment. Still, it meant that everything was perfect now, she thought. That was one thing.

Jemma tucked into her breakfast as soon as she got it - she really was starving now! "Oooh, unfortunate student. Not a good way to start the new school year!" she commented in between mouthfuls of food, though didn't say much else as she was eating. She was too hungry!


Never Enough Socks - Page 2 Qw9nLyk
~ enjoying her sixties ~ divination professor & head of hufflepuff ~ single ~ seer ~
~ biography ~ thread tracker ~

Set made by me. Want one? Accepting requests here.
Jemma Tiquelle
Jemma Tiquelle

Number of posts : 6601
Special Abilities : Seer, Occlumens, Apparation and Astral Projection.
Occupation : Secretary at the Ministry of Magic*

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Never Enough Socks - Page 2 Empty Re: Never Enough Socks

Post by Robert Lupin Sun Aug 07, 2011 7:02 pm

"Poor lad," Robert laughed slightly. "He's from a pureblood family and he'd never been out of the wizarding world before. I feel sorry for him. His parents do him no favors if they don't let him know what else is out in the world besides our magical things. It makes him a danger to himself. Fortunately for him, he does have a bit of an attitude. His parents don't quite understand why he's angry with the whole world right now. I do. I would be too if I were him. If we had more time, I'd send him to some wizarding friends of mine who are living in a muggle world. He'd learn very quickly what it takes to fit in. I think he would welcome it, actually.

He tucked into his own breakfast. "You know, much as I love all of Khaat's bistro breakfast specialties here, there is something that is really comforting about a traditional English breakfast. I don't do this much anymore, and I really don't know why. Its a perfectly wonderful thing.

"And do hire a security system. If you need someone to help you hire those folks, Michael is a very good judge of skills and character. Ask him to help you. I trust his judgement with my life."

Michael heard Robert's words and looked up from his plate and smiled. "Ah well, that's because I've been around the proverbial block a few times. See, I knew you'd be a perfect fit, TDL!"

Never Enough Socks - Page 2 Pbucket
Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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Never Enough Socks - Page 2 Empty Re: Never Enough Socks

Post by Jemma Tiquelle Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:19 pm

"Yeah, poor boy." Jemma agreed. She couldn't imagine what it would be like not to know a thing about the muggle world, given she grew up in it herself.

"Hopefully he'll figure it out soon enough though, before he goes off and does something else." She wasn't exactly sure what kind of an attitude this boy had, but at least it sounded like he wanted to know more about the muggle world. That was always a good start, she thought. Wanting to know, wanting to find out.

"Yes, a traditional English breakfast is lovely. I don't really have them at home either, I don't think many people do now. Everyone is so busy in the morning and such, it seems." she agreed, "Though it is nice to have one every now and again. The food is lovely here." she loved this little bistro. She'd never been here before, and made a mental note to come back here again.

Jemma still wasn't quite used to being addressed by TDL now. It would take time, but she knew she'd get used to it soon enough. She liked being with her friends again though and it reminded her of that. She was glad that they had faith in her though, she just hoped that she would be able to do the job. She thought she could, she wouldn't have taken it up if she couldn't, but she really hoped that nothing would go wrong. She would do her best efforts to foresee anything though, so she'd have some warning, at least.

"Having your help would be good Michael - another opinion is always good. Have you posted an advert for a security system yet, or should I get on that?"


Never Enough Socks - Page 2 Qw9nLyk
~ enjoying her sixties ~ divination professor & head of hufflepuff ~ single ~ seer ~
~ biography ~ thread tracker ~

Set made by me. Want one? Accepting requests here.
Jemma Tiquelle
Jemma Tiquelle

Number of posts : 6601
Special Abilities : Seer, Occlumens, Apparation and Astral Projection.
Occupation : Secretary at the Ministry of Magic*

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