Chase looked at the girl and then her eyes went wide. "Oh my Merlin! You're pregnant too? That's amazing!" She said and hugged the girl. "Yeah, it's odd, actually I got a potion from Khaat at St. Mungos, clears up the morning sickness just like that, it was amazing! You don't feel nauseous or anything. It was great." She said shaking her head. "Besides the mood swings I'm pretty normal actually, well except a baby is growing inside me, I'm about ten weeks I think... just enough to show the little darling growing up." She said shaking her head.
"I actually have robes that just kinda.. hide it, some kind of magic makes me look absolutely normal, while my tummy is actually under all of the clothes. Luckily I don't think I'll show very much, but because I was skinny, I'm showing early." she said shaking her head. "Elijah just couldn't want to see it, that and I think he likes the fact that my chest is getting larger.. I wasn't very... bodacious before." She said and then laughed lightly, taking the pickle when it was handed to her and taking a huge bite out of it. "This is actually the first time I've really had cravings.. I tend to stay away from the kitchens.." She said and then sighed.
"How far along are you? Have you had any problems with anything? Us girls, we gotta stick together don't we? I mean, we are BOTH pregnant!" She said and then giggled. "After the initial shock is over, it's actually quite enjoyable, I understand why people DO get pregnant.. like they WANT to get pregnant, at first I thought I was just gonna sit and cry the entire pregnancy, but then.. well I got really happy, oh! We should work out together! We should! You gotta keep moving, or else the baby won't develop right, you want strong legs for the birthing process, and everything, I'm sorry, I just read up on everything I need to know.." she said shaking her head. "I've never met another student who is pregnant before! I'm so excited now! We need to be like... the best of friends okay?"