Brian smiled. He always, always had patience for someone who wanted to learn. Robert and Remus had put that into him.
"I like you," he said. "And I'm glad you're asking questions. If I get into a situation where I have to choose between taking a man who never asks a second question, or one who asks a lot of questions because he really wants to know, I would, unquestionably choose the one who wanted to learn first beyond anyone else.
"Let me tell you something that I don't share easily. I think the Lupins are the only one who knows this. I met Khaat when my parents came to stay at a muggle hotel close to Robert's farm one summer, for a vacation. That's how we met Robert and Kate and Khaat. I remember the first time I saw her. She'd gotten some candy from the muggle apothecary where Robert was working back then, and she'd walked down to the beach. And there I was, looking for shells. She showed me where the best shells were and shared her candy with me. We didn't know our parents already knew each other and that we were going to meet anyway. But, as it worked out, when my parents were killed, I was sent to live with Robert and katherine because that was how my parents had arranged it in their wills. My brother and sister were already in Hogwarts, so I just basically never saw them anymore. Still dont. Robert and Remus raised me much the same way they raised Khaat. But I was one angry young kid. I wanted nothing to do with their kindness and their giving and their love. They had to first, help me deal with the anger and the pain and then help me learn how to love again. They found out that the key, for me, was in the fact that I was so very curious. If they could get me interested in something to learn, the questions would just flow like water--much like you.
"We're a lot alike, I think. More than you know. I do need to talk to Khaat, I think. I think she needs to send you more letters. Keep you better connected. I know that's how I felt when I went to Hogwarts. I needed to know the Lupins were still there, that I was really a true part of the family. Khaat doesn't mean to leave you feeling left out. Its just that, for one thing, she really puts a mammoth priority for you on your school and the training they provide you. But, from what I hear, they arent' giving you everything you should be learning anyway. And second, her own life is so very, very dangerous that she does not want to worry you. She is the strongest woman I have ever, ever known. She sometimes feels she can handle whatever comes her way all by herself. And none of us can do that. But I promise, if she doesn't keep you informed, I will. Well, at least until I get her to see what she's doing, and I know it is completely unintentional. She loves you. When she talks about 'her girls' she talks about you and Dakota and Abbey all equally. Her first thought in the morning is 'her girls' and its her last thought before she goes to sleep. And, so you know, I promised her that her girls will always, always be my girls.
"I see what you need to know, and I promise, I will teach you. We'll start as early as Christmas break if you want. Actually, we'll really start before then. I'll arrange for you to come home to us for a few days to recover, and while you're there, I'll teach you how to portkey. Sound fair enough? We can start there."