Prison Woke up at 10 in the morning the morning he was supposed to hang out with Sally in the towers. He couldnt wait to be with her but he would have to wait for a while. Prison got out of bed, Changed into a red shirt, his grey jacket, and a pair of jeans with a wrip in the left knee. After getting dressed he went to his bed, pulled his bag from under it, took out his bag that had a bit of food, and took out something to eat very quickly then he went outside to enjoy the day.
After lunch, Prison went to sit at the lake for a while to just sit there and think about his night tonight with Sally. He couldnt wait to be with her again. All he could think about was how beautiful her eyes and her smile and hair was.
Prison walked up towards the towers that night to wait up there for his babe, Sally ruby. He couldnt wait for their day. They would sit up in the towers to watch the sunset then look at the stars all night while cuddling together to keep warm. this was exactly what he wanted to do.