[Kept it short for you =P]
Small drops of rain were falling from the gray clouds overhead as a young man with long, messy brown hair ran down the sidewalk, holding both of his arms wrapped around his head in an attempt to shield himself from the clouds’ icy tears. He had heard once on an education TV show that if you ran in the rain you would get more rain on you than when you walked in it, but it was his natural instinct to run as fast as he could in search of shelter whenever a storm rolled in. The raindrops were really only as small as ants, but he really didn’t want to stick around outside until they grew larger- and so he made a turn around a random corner in London and darted down the last block before coming to a halt in front of the entrance of a famous wizard pub. Calvin hesitated for a moment, but decided that it was better to be dry and surrounded by poker playing, cigarette smoking drunks than it was to ruin the laptop that was hanging off of his shoulder in an orange computer case.
Calvin pushed the door open and stepped inside, shaking his head as he did so in order to rid his tangled hair of the raindrops that were clinging to every other strand. People looked his way, but only for a moment to shoot him looks of disgust when they saw what he was dressed in; purebloods and pureblood worshipper never had been very fond of the muggle clothing Calvin dressed in, but he really didn’t take much notice, and continued forward towards a table on the other side of the room.