Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4
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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Empty Re: Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:08 pm

"Welcome, Eleni," Khaat smiled. She had absolutely no issue with a new member nor her task. The task made sense. And new friends and allies were always welcome. She had no trouble that he didn't select one of the members they already had. She did, however, have an issue with Jess.

Jess was being typically Jess. Whether she agreed with his reasoning or not was not the point. Khaat was seeing this portion of the meeting to be largely pointless, except for meeting Eleni. What on earth had been the point of asking members' opinions when he already had his mind made up and had not only already decided to do what he wanted to do, knowing members would not agree with him, but was already doing it? What the deuce was the point of any of that? It wasn't going to make anyone agree with him more. In Khaat's opinion, this had been poorly presented and had been, in part, a waste of time. He certainly could have saved a lot of time, energy, and debate for everyone had he simply cut to the bloody chase.

She would certainly have a word with their headstrong young leader later. This was not the time nor the place. At the moment, she chose to be silent and enjoy her beloved French Roast, taking another slow sip from her cup.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Empty Re: Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

Post by Mariana Diggory Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:20 am

Mariana threw a short look towards the new member or the new Death Eater that Jess presented them not really having anything to say about it, not even a word. Eleni's aspect sure looked rather not hard to notice. It would be weird if she didn't draw anyone's attention by just her presence. "Good evening Miss Dimitry.." she finally said after a few moments of thinking and decided to use her formal tone with her.

Her eyes now narrowed at Jess's direction. "So you just wasted our time and voice and you already had a plan. I can't seem to quite catch a point from that." she said still tightly crossed on her part of sofa like she never intended to get up not sure how to react right now.
Mariana Diggory
Mariana Diggory

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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Empty Re: Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:42 am

"Jess has a very good reason, I'm sure," Khaat said gently. Jess certainly did not need to ask anyone's opinion to ask someone new to join the Order. And Khaat saw Eleni's addition to the Order as a sign, finally, of things moving forward again in a more positive direction.

However, she shared Mari's thoughts, at least about how he had shown what Khaat felt was disrespect towards the current membership by making his plan, acting on it, and asking for worthless opinions after the fact. It felt like nothing more than a rather condescending gesture on his part. She would have felt far more respect for the whole scheme if Jess had just come out with it right from the start. This was not the first weird choice Jess had made lately that did not make sense to Khaat. She did not understand. But Khaat still believed this was not the time or place to take that up with him.

Mari did usually speak her mind, and that was always a double edged sword. Khaat wanted Eleni to feel welcome and not ostracised because of a difference of opinion over procedure.

"If we can be of any help to you, Eleni, let us know. Most of us are fairly easy to find. I, for one, am almost always working. I'm usually at one of two jobs and a business. One of the three. My door is always open. You're welcome anytime."

She looked back at Jess, personally needing this to move forward, "So, Jess, what else do you have for us?"
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Empty Re: Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

Post by Jess Potter Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:20 am

Jess looked at khaat and caught her gaze. "Yep, once again he'd managed to tick someone off, but he was used to it, if it weren't Khaat, it would've been Mar- oh wait she was ticked as well. Well, if it weren't those two it would be Matt, or Soph, or Andrian, anyone really, but he did have his reasons.

"We were bickering," he said simply, "I hadn't made my mind up about anything, other than that you three were the only ones i was going to deny. I also had my hunches that you three would be the only ones that volunteered to do it. So i concocted a backup plan, so that someone could step up if you three got your horns locked," he said, chuckling as he thought of his analog, and what it would look like if Mari Matt and Khaat locked horns.

"Anyway, if there'd been a person, not the three of you, who had stepped up, Eleni would simply have not gone to the meeting, and would not have joined, however, i had this backup plan instead." He told them.

"And really, i think that is all, unless anyone has any questions," he asked, looking around
Jess Potter
Jess Potter
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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Empty Re: Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

Post by Guest Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:04 am

The first person to greet her was Matt. He shook her hand and she grinned at him. "Oh thanks, I'll need you," Eleni laughed for she had no idea how to act like a death eater, well she did, or was..She couldn't remember, but some reminder would be handy. "Nice to meet you as well," Eleni added with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Sophia," Eleni smiled and shook her hand. She was a very pretty girl, and her hand was quite cold. She was also quite pale looking, but still very pretty. "Memory loss isn't that bad, I mean, it's like starting your life like you did when you were a baby, but you're older," Eleni said and shrugged, as both the Lestrange's said that having memory loss was bad. They didn't even know the worst part..Being in a coma for years.

"Thanks for the welcome," Eleni smiled at her, even though she didn't know her name, she didn't tell her. She didn't say much, nor did she want to shake her hand either. Peculiar type. But it didn't bother Eleni as she was feeling she was doing her job right already.

"Good evening," Eleni said to the person who had also not told Eleni her name. She seemed to be quite cross that they were in a meeting for a while and were just talking for almost no reason awaiting for her arrival.

Eleni had taken a seat at the vacant available chair that Jess had gestured for her to sit in. "Well, thanks for the warnings, I'll need them, but I reckon I'll be just fine," Eleni said to the group, mostly meaning Sophia and Matt, as they were the most friendliest ones, guiding her.

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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Empty Re: Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

Post by Daniel Joshua Cethin Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:31 pm

Daniel spoke up, "No one knows that I'm still good. In fact, I bragged to several people that I might turn evil because the good side had been defeated. A lot of people think I'm fickle, so that's a good thing, right?" Of course, he was a bit of a trickster, but hey, what had to be done had to be done. Even if it was trickery.

He laid eyes upon the overly-pink-dressed girl. He had an urge to ask a question, but ran the risk of being considered rude for doing so, he did it anyway. "Do you always dress with that much pink?"
Daniel Joshua Cethin
Daniel Joshua Cethin

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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Empty Re: Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

Post by Mariana Diggory Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:06 pm

Mariana decided to drop it with Jess's reason she didn't understand while alot of burning fire seemed to grow in her mind though she wasn't sure why. wasn't even angry or at least not angry enough to explode right now. Her eyes went from one to other member of the Order without any kind of intrest before she heard what Jess said on the end. "Oh i have alot, but i;ll just make theories as always. Does that mean i may leave now?" she replied with a cold voice as she stood up on her feet drawing her wand to apparate back to St.Mungo's once she was sure no one needed her for anything which she hardly doubted.
Mariana Diggory
Mariana Diggory

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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Empty Re: Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

Post by Matthew Lestrange Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:59 am

"Mari calm down alright," he told her. He looked at her, "I think Jess's plan seems alright. And you hardly need to act like that." he looked right at her. Something had gotten into her these days. She was different, more angry and fierce. It was scary, so unlike Mari. He looked at Daniel and shook his head. "I believe we've found our double agent." he looked at Jess. "But is this really the end of the meeting?" he asked. "Or do you have more information for us." he asked Jess grinning cheekily.

Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Tumblr_oyip5qmUoz1sj8jevo1_500
Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Empty Re: Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

Post by Sophia Granger Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:49 am

Sophia looked at Mariana and sighed. "Mari, Jess knows what he's doing so let him do his job surely we all trust that he knows what he's doing right?"Sophia asked Mariana softly. Sophia knew all of them were mad and upset but they needed to let Jess and the others do there jobs. Sophia looked at Mari and then her father and shook her head sadly not knowing what was yp with Mari now days. "I'm sure you will Eleni, with my father and Jess guiding you, I have no doubt you'll be in good hands."said Sophia giving her a soft warm smile. Sophia kne that her father, Jess and the others knew what they were doing so she respected and trusted there plans.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
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Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11 - Page 4 Empty Re: Order of The Phoenix Meeting 11

Post by Raphael Stravos Valentine Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:44 am

Andrian apparated outisde Number 4 Privet, home to his father old house. He remembered all the stories his father told him about him about how this so called 'Dursley' family treated him. To his dismay, he felt a cold chill running up his back causing him to shudder after pushing the door open and stepping into the house for the very first time. It definetally felt weird to be in this house considering that it was his father's old home.

"Sorry, I am late," said Andrian looking up at his brother and his friend, smiling his cute, warm smile at them after walking through the corridor and opening the door which lead to the meeting. He was wearing a cast around his arm and something to support his arm up as he held his arm up and he also had bandage wrapped around his body, he wasn't suppose be here at all, he was suppose to be a home resting after the deadly battle but he wanted to be here anyway. Then he started to walk over beside Sophia and sat down beside her, but on his way his caught a glimpse of a girl sitting at the table with him with pink hair and he rose an eyebrows as he saw this. "Must be a new member," he thought to him, shrugging and started to listen to Jess, maybe he would tell him who she was.
Raphael Stravos Valentine
Raphael Stravos Valentine
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