gackt nodded.'Me too, he'll keep them out of mischeif." he smiled as she mentioned about working at the school again.'i am looking forward to being at the school too, i even got in a shipment of fun bandages for the students there, some with the pro quidditch leagues on them, some are glow in the dark, some look like tattos, others are silly, you know that sort of thing and yes i do remember that willow tree and you singing to me, you were so nervous and i jsut wanted to reach out and hold you and tell you everything was going to be okay, ."he let out a sigh when she remembered why she had to leave before."yes well that brat emmaline tyler didnt make it easy for you either with her allways throwing what happened to your folks in your face all the time and just being aweful, good thing mash and i got revenge on her, we got hydeiko snuck up on her when she was swimming and took her clothes so she had to walk past the qudditch feild when there was a game going and back to the school , it was rather too funny to see the humilated look on her face, we made her as miserable as she had made you the whole time we were at school." he smield as she mentioneed paddy and his wife."I think that can be arranged, why dont we get away for at least the weekend, im sure mamachan and chichi can cope with the boys with grandpa and obachan are here."