Andrew's Apartment - Page 3
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Andrew's Apartment

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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:00 pm

Jack smiled at his words and then turned her attention to the TV and vaguely recognized the show. She was more of a movies person than a television show person, so she only recognized the show for the name. But it was not terrible or anything so she watched in interest.

Andrew left the room for a moment and Jack blinked but otherwise did not react. She was tired and sapped of energy, so she did not have much spirit in her to think too much about anything. She figured she would eat, maybe hang out for awhile, and then apparate home to sleep. Andrew came back and she asked, "Pizza on its way, then?"

Suddenly, Louis came in and Jack turned. She smiled, trying to show that her little tirade was behind them. She had just been cranky.
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Andrew Thompson Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:05 pm

"Yeah it will be here in about 20 minutes," he said looking at his watch to see how long it had been since he had called. He heard someone knocking at the door and ignored for a second, thinking it was Gerald at the door. But when he heard Louis's voice, he stood up and then walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. He saw Louis standing at the door, and Andrew unlocked the door and opened it."Hey Lou," he said tiredly and held the door open for him.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Louis Weasley1 Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:11 pm

((Ok well for all you guys just so you know Louis came in and said "Hey guys" and i didnt post this cause it isnt 75 words))
Louis Weasley1
Louis Weasley1
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Andrew Thompson Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:30 pm

((The least you can do is knock Rolling Eyes just go with it for now))
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:39 am

New Day

Andrew apparated inside the apartment which Andrew had owned. He held Chase's bags, not even caring that there were a lot. So far, he was doing okay and no strain had appeared yet. Although, he anticipated that it would happen soon. He set the bags down near the couch and toke in a deep breath to help replace some dirty air that was trapped in his lungs.

He turned to Chase and said "Mi casa es tu casa!" What he had said was 'My home is your home' in Spanish, which he had taken as an elective back in elementary. It meant more grades and more homework for him, but he really did enjoy learning another language.

"Bathrooms are down the hall," he said pointing to the door which actually led to his room "and to the left. The apartment is pretty small, so I will order a new bed for you if you want. I've only got a double bed right now."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:47 am

Chase stood in the room, looking around excitedly. She had been brought here earlier by her house elf, Calla, and stood there next to the small creature. She had left Dragon at Sophia's house, knowing asking Calla to stay was as much as she should push her pets. She smiled and looked around. "It okay if I look around a bit? And I want to know all of the rules of the house, I want to know where all the cooking things are, and what I'm allowed and not allowed to do." She said looking up at Andrew happily. "I can pay for my own bed if you want me to." She said grinning at him and spinning a tight circle before disappearing down the hall to check out the rooms, she opened each of the doors as she passed them. Finding the bathroom and his bedroom.

"It's so nice!" She said loudly from his bedroom, sneaking a peak into his bathroom and seeing a bunch of guys clothes everywhere. He obviously had lived alone for a while. But Chase loved cleaning and this place would soon be spotless. She wandered out of the bedroom and looked around. "So do you have problems with neighbors?" She asked slowly, glancing at the ceiling, and then down at the floor. She didn't even know what floor they were on. She brushed past him, and glanced at her stuff. She hadn't realize she had so much, but he hadn't seemed to mind to much. He was a strong man, and she grinned, letting her fingertips play across his chest before disappearing into the kitchen to check out what it looked like.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:58 am

[Just wondering, you saw the house layout right?]

Andrew smiled as Chase began to look around the area, almost inspecting everything. If he would've known that she would've staying over, he would tried to celan up the place and try to at least make everything seem decent. He was sort of self conscience about his house, as he cared a lot about Chase's opinion, being his new girlfriend and all.

"No trouble with the neighbors," he said looking at her and smiling devilishly when she ran her fingers on his chest. He couldn't help but chuckle a little as she did and quickly disappeared into the next room. He followed her into the room and showed her the living room which was right next to the kitchen. The TV was LCD 40 inch flat screen that he had boughten when he first moved in, a sort of home warming gift for himself.

"We got the living room here," he said gesturing over to his left where the couch and other furniture were "TV there, kitchen there...yeah this place is small, but cozy." He noticed a few cans of Coca Cola lying on the counter and he quickly swiped them up and threw it into the recycle bin. "Soooo," he said walking towards her "what do you want to do now? I'm open for anything."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:05 am

[hahaha, now I did :]]

Chase smiled happily and looked around the nice open house. She loved it, every inch of it. She grinned and voiced her thoughts aloud. "It's beautiful Andrew!" She said grinning at him. Calla had followed her around nervously as she had inspected the house, and now the house elf stood behind her, watching the two carefully, her hands wringing the bottom of her nice clean tea towel. Chase smiled and moved closer to Andrew, I don't know.. Where am I gonna sleep until we can get a bed for me.. and where will the bed go anyway?" She asked curiously, wondering if they would be sleeping in the same room, but separate beds, that would be kind of awkward for both of them.

She grinned and started to pick up the front room a bit. Not really thinking about what she was doing, just picking it up and throwing away pop cans and putting dirty laundry in a pile. "Oh, and where is the washer and dryer? So I can do laundry.." she said glancing around the room for a quick moment before doing a small spin on the spot and going over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek lightly. "After that, I think I might take a nap.. cause I'm dreadfully tired..' She said softly, smiling up at him happily.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:18 am

[Let's just pretend the laundry room is in the His bathroom xD]

Andrew looked around now, trying to see where they could set the bed when they receieved it. He could of course just move the couch backwards and set it against he wall and have the bed there, so that way she could watch TV and have a place to sleep. "Well for now," he said his thinking face on, which was him biting the side of his botom left lip "if its alright, the couch is very comfortable and we can order a bed tommorow. If that's alright of course."

He looked back at Chase and smiled as she asked where the laundry room was. "It's in the bathroom on the left," he said referring to the bathroom without the bathtub "and inside the closet. They had to renovate some things for my stay, so it's an odd place." He wrapped his arms around her waist, like he always did and said softly "Okay, then" He pressed his lips gently on hers and let go. He walked over to the kitchen and asked "Want anything to eat?"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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Andrew's Apartment - Page 3 Empty Re: Andrew's Apartment

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:28 am

Chase nodded lightly at his suggestion for places to sleep. "That's perfectly fine with me." She said smiling happily. She followed him into the kitchen and looked around briefly. It was small, but open to the rest of the house, which gave it a bigger appearance. She grinned and leaned against the counter, staring at him. Her mind was still finding it hard to believe that she was staying here, but her stuff was all in the entry, and she would be sleeping on the couch for a little bit, but soon, it would become permanent. She smiled and closed her eyes briefly, letting her emotions slide over her before she opened them again and looked at Andrew.

"I'm not hungry.." she said softly after a moment of thought. "I had a few sandwiches back at Sophia's house.." She said grinning lazily before glancing at Calla. "Want something?" She asked softly, kneeling down to speak with her kindly. The house elf shook her head roughly, her ears flapping against the side of her head, and she looked at Andrew frightfully, as though afraid he would hurt her. Chase smiled and patted her on the head gently. "I did talk to her about.. you know," She mouthed the word clothes so that Calla couldn't see, because she had gone off around the corner to go do some of her own investigating to see where everything was for her to clean.

"She literally begged me on her hands and knees not to send her away.." She said softly, her eyes downcast. "I couldn't just.. let her go.." She whispered staring after the elf. "She didn't even want to go to Hogwarts, says I'm even better to her then my mother and father were.. well I don't have her do much, and she is practically begging me to make her do something half the time.. I don't know what makes House elves do that.. but sometimes it sickens me.. to think that is all they can do.. but I guess it's kind of like a predator and prey isn't it?" she said slowly. "The predator knows deep inside, that to live it has to kill, kill and each another animal.. and the prey knows, that to survive, they have to eat other things, and run fast, or hide themselves, with house elves, they know that if they are to survive, they must love doing anything their master says, or they will be left out in the street.. and die." She whispered and shuddered. "And with Muggles these days.. you can't just leave a house elf out there.. people would get curious.. and might try to kill them all!" She said shuddering at the thought, and looking over at Calla who was starting to pick up the front room again.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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