The First Annual Hogsmeade Quidditch Tournament
For this game, I'm allowing each team to have up to 20 players, so don't be shy!
If you play, you agree to use these rules. Don't worry if you don't understand them straight away, there'll be training before we begin.
The game will by refereed by me, Selwyn Thorfin. I need at least one and hopefully two assistant refs.
Lookie! Forms! Everyone loves forms (or is that just me?)
The Worldclock
MSN messenger download < you kinda need this to play.
For players:
- Code:
[b]Positions from most wanted to least wanted:[/b]
[b]Your timezone:[/b] (in GMT time, check the worldclock to make a conversion)
[b]Do you have MSN? If no, are you willing to get it?[/b]
[b]Any questions about the rules?[/b]
For captains:
- Code:
[b]Do you have MSN? If no, are you willing to get it?[/b]
[b]Can you organise people?[/b]
[b]Do you have any questions about the rules?[/b]
For referees:
- Code:
[b]Do you have MSN, if no are you willing to get it?[/b]
[b]Your timezone:[/b] (in GMT time)
[b]Do you understand the rules?[/b]