by Maddie Kane Mon May 24, 2010 3:01 am
In a World Of Pretty Faces
In a World Of Pretty Faces there are some that stand out. These few are known as Uglies. They live in dorms for three years waiting antisapateing what their life will be like after their sixteeth birthday. Of corse every one knows what being a pretty is like. Partys every night sleeping all day and you cant for get hanging out in the plesure gardens with your boy firend or girlfriend. But there are a few uglies that know the truth about what the pretty operation dose to your brain. it turns you into mindless zombies with pretty faces. Theses few who know are known as Smokies.
The smokies live in the wilderness, whatever is out side of the citys, in a little village called the smoke. This little village is always movieing so that they won't be invaded. An invasion has happened once to them befor. and for one little smokie it took his true love, friends and his family. This little Smokies name is David. The person he loves despite all he did to his home is Tally.
Tally has tryed to escape from the city twice now and she has been brought right back. the first time she lost a friend but got her back. The second she found a friend and fell in love with him only to losse him but not his love for her. Now Tally and her pretty friends that tryed to escape the second time are what are called a Special. This rear operation is only givein to the tricky uglies the ones that run away even as prettys and always love doing tricks.
Now it is The specials Job to keep the Prettys in side the town and safe frome their own brainless selves. They even go looking for the smoke to bring the uglies that have ran away back. To tuern them pretty whcih the really really don't want.
Are you an Ugly just waiting to become pretty? or are you a Pretty haveing mindless fun? or you could be an old crumbly waiting for your pretty grandchild or child to come vist you. Then their are the rare few that will become specials. You deside. How will the Story end?
Last edited by Arabella T. Sanders on Mon May 24, 2010 12:37 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : the site has a new ad(the url is in the pictuer))